Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Conveyance Involved In Vehicular Mom(non)slaughter

Remember yesterday, when I revealed that I was almost run over by a car? 
Here's the car:

There are two of them at Country Mart. As you can see, the kiddos go in the car, which has two steering wheels (non-working!), and can feel like they're driving around the store.

As blog buddy River pointed out, we didn't have these things for OUR kids, and they turned out just fine. Indeed. Young Genius preferred to lie on the shelf underneath the cart to ride through the store! The shelf where you put giant bags of dog food, or flats of canned vegetables, or 12-packs of soda. At least he was savvy enough to keep his fingers out of the wheels. He'd lie on his stomach facing forward. Maybe he felt like a low-flying Superman. I let it happen, because I could see him through the cart, and I knew he wasn't traipsing off to the electronics department to quiz the workers on when they were getting in some new hard drives.

The cart-car keeps the kids out from underfoot. Thankfully, they don't have working horns. The last thing I need is some toddling whippersnapper honking at me to move my ample rumpus.


River said...

I hadn't thought of those cars having horns and now that you mention it I'm glad they don't!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Oh my gosh! Can you imagine kids tooting all the way through the store? They might as well run around screeching. At least they are contained in the car, and it seems to keep them happy and quiet.