Thursday, October 6, 2022

My Amazing Success Would Have Been Tempered By My Abject Failure

One of my favorite TV shows is The Amazing Race. I've watched it from the beginning. That's how I see the world! Surely you don't think Mrs. HM would hoist her ample rumpus on a plane and circumnavigate the globe!

Young Genius used to be my viewing partner. We'd pick teams on the first episode, and see who came out the closest to winning. We rarely chose the same teams. When he was around 10 or 11, Genius used to joke that he and I should try to enter and compete on The Amazing Race. Sadly, I'm not so sure he was joking!

Here's the thing... even at 11, Genius would have been the strength of our team. Unless he did something like leave his passport in a taxi, like that poor team of deaf dude and his mom. I have limited talents that might apply. Forget teaching me a dance or a song in a foreign language, or detecting the minute differences in classic paintings, or diving down to unhook puzzle pieces off the ocean floor.

Last night, The Amazing Race had THE PERFECT CHALLENGE for Mrs. HM! They had to listen to an 8-minute lecture on anatomy, and label body parts on a wooden plank body. YES! I could have done that with both left and right cerebral hemispheres tied behind my vertebrae! Seriously! They had to label parts like the LIVER, for cryin' out loud! And the humerus. And coccyx. And metacarpals. And clavicle. I couldn't see everything, but there were 16 answers, and they were given about 20 labels, so some didn't get used. After my classes in human anatomy and physiology, I am still quite prepared to spout off body parts! I could have skipped the entire lecture, by cracky!

However... the second challenge was putting together a Ducati motorcycle! Sweet Gummi Mary! I couldn't have done that with everyone else's cerebral hemispheres combined! Sure, they had a dude demonstrating what to do. And they only had to put on the wheels and brakes, then screw on the body. It's not like they had to build a 747 from scratch. Still, I am not in the least bit mechanically inclined.

I'm pretty sure this is the leg that would have eliminated me and Young Genius if I had been responsible for that Ducati. If HE did it, we might have won the leg.


River said...

I think I would have done well on the anatomy too. I have very little mechanical knowledge though. I know that if something doesn't turn when it should a squirt of WD40 will fix it, thanks MacGyver :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

You probably also know how to tighten things with duct tape! Like muscles are arranged in opposing pairs to move the bones, WD40 and duct tape can also work as a team, though perhaps not on the same objects.