Saturday, July 1, 2023

It Must Be The Pizza Karma

I worried overnight about The Pony working Friday in a vehicle with no air conditioning. When the Metris that HAD air conditioning reached 118 degrees, what hope did The Pony have for survival without it? 

Like Farmer H said, it's dangerous and should be against OSHA regulations, but the federal government is exempt! I guess Farmer H would know. He was a safety bigwig at his employer, and went to conferences a lot. Farmer H also said that it's no wonder the AC can't keep up with the heat, because the metal vans are not insulated, and the sun beats down on them and the fan can't cool the whole inside.

Anyhoo... I sent The Pony a text at 7:30 a.m.

"Be careful today. You should probably try some Gatorade with your water. And take a neck towel."

"Yeah. I had Gatorade yesterday and the van with AC and was still not feeling great all night even after eating and having water. Today's worse. Unless I get lucky and the keys were swapped or they give me a Metris when I head in and ask, I'll be driving one of the AC-less trucks."

"Maybe buy a cup of ice and rub it on your face and neck on your break. Where is your route?"

"I am scheduled on the one that is pretty much all driving. Half the main drag by Casey's, then winds its way over to some apartments by that teacher's mom's furniture store."

"I love you. Be careful. I also worry about Dad sitting in his storage oven!"

"I'm gonna try. Love you too."

By 9:51, The Pony sent me another text:

"I ended up getting a truck with AC for today, so I'm much happier. Still drinking Gatorade."

"That also makes ME much happier! Must be karma from your *donated* pizza when you ordered from the wrong Domino's."

Such a relief for The Pony to have some AC blowing on him while driving. Even if the inside temperature was high, at least he had a cool van-made breeze.

It was 104 degrees while I was in town. T-Hoe's AC wasn't all that great. But at least I could tell that it was on. 

Oh, yeah. Farmer H made it home still alive. He spent 7:00 to 10:30 in his storage oven, then went to the Senior Center for hot dogs and hamburgers for their 4th of July meal. Then to get his weekly shot at the doctor. Then to sit in his buddy's un-AC-ed shop to shoot the bull until 4:30. He SAYS he drank several bottles of water. 


Rae said...

I definitely feel for the Pony. I feel bad for any workers who are working in these crazy hot temps. We are supposed to reach our high for the year, this weekend. I'd be fine if it didn't make it. Our grass is brown and the weeds are big and green as can be.And despite that, our neighbors were shooting off illegal fireworks last night. (not that anyone would do anything about it in this town) Our other neighbors grass is green because they water it. Why would you water your grass during another likely drought situation? I'm glad I don't have their water bill. Ours is bad enough and we don't water anything. I'm glad I didn't bother to try planting anything this year either. I was thinking about getting a raised bed to do a bit of "gardening" but it would have cost us more in water than what it likely would have produced. I'm glad the Pony at least got an air conditioned vehicle - only seems right if he is on a mostly driving route. I'm surprised Hick exposed himself to so much un-AC-ed situations as he did. Scary stuff, the heat. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I worry that The Pony will push himself to get his route done, and not work slower in the heat. He should have been GLAD to wait in the Casey's line during his break, since the store is air conditioned. Yet he complained that he'd been in line for FIVE MINUTES.

I'm sure our denizens will be shooting off (LEGAL-there's not much you can't do in Missouri!) fireworks this weekend. Our front yard/field has also turned brown. Hope no fires are started, but at least our fire tags are paid up until next July. So the volunteer fire department would at least try to put it out, and not stand by and watch it burn. If it's a danger to others, they put it out and then bill the homeowner for the actual costs, rather than the $80 fire tag.

Farmer H DOES spend a lot of time without AC, so he must be acclimated. Working on the flip house, and puttering in his sheds and SUS2, and mowing. Of course he's doing things he enjoys, not working for a wage like The Pony.

River said...

Thank you Karma! I hope Farmer H DID drink plenty of water, but like a lot of old men who grew up working in heat and cold, he's probably tough enough to make it through.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, Karma smiled upon The Pony! Farmer H drinks too much Diet Mountain Dew in place of water. He needs a balance.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I remember when HeWho drank Diet Coke exclusively. No water or gatoeade for him, just sometimes three 2 liter bottles a day. I would try to make him drink water, but like a horse led to to the water, he refused!

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's also hard to get water into Farmer H. The best time was after his surgery, under the threat of painkiller constipation like his pal had, after having some kind of surgery. The one who sold us the $5000 house. Whose wife tripped and broke her hip while taking a smoke break visiting him in the hospital.