Sunday, July 9, 2023

Rules For The Gander Are Modified For The Goose

Rules for thee, not for me! That seems to be Farmer H's attitude around the Mansion. 
I learned of another modification yesterday, concerning our weekly allowance cash.

"Well, I guess I'll start my tickets to see if I'm winning a $100,000 grand prize today. You know that if I win it, it's MINE, right? Because that's my hobby, like your Storage Unit Store is YOUR hobby. You don't share any of that money with me. So it's only fair."

"Yes I do! I bought myself $600 worth of tires for my truck!"

"Well, that's on you. I didn't ask you to."

"Still, it was MY money I spent on truck tires."

"Okay. Here's the deal. If I win $100,000, I promise to give you $600. Wait! Not YOU! The house. I'll give $600 to spend on something for the Mansion. No. Let's make it exactly fair. If I win $100,000, I'll use it on T-Hoe, to fix some of the things wrong. Or maybe I'll just buy T-Hoe some $600 tires. Then we're even."

The look on Farmer H's face was worth $600! He did not like that idea at all. I think I heard him snort with disgust. But really. Why should I give HIM $600 of my hobby money's hypothetical winnings, just to spend on something for himself??? 


River said...

He voluntarily spent $600 of his own money on tyres so he can't be bitching and complaining when you spend your money your way. I say scratch those tickets and don't tell him what you win.

Hillbilly Mom said...

But I LOVE telling him what I win! Just because he is so rarely a winner at any type of gambling. You're right. He VOLUNTARILY spent that money on his tires. I was planning to take it from our stash that I put aside monthly for miscellaneous costs. You'd be surprised how it adds up. Anyhoo... if I get a big winner, he will have to drive me to the lottery office to cash it. I don't trust it in the mail. The post office hires just anybody, you know...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Well, I hope you do win! I wouldgive him the $600, as promised. In ones, 600 one dollar bills. As I am apt to point out to HeWho is lazy "do you really think you can get into a verbal altercation with me and win?" I will get him back in the long run!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I will not hand over $600 to Farmer H! He didn't do that to me. He spent money on his own tires. So I see the only fair way to disperse that as-yet-unwon $600 is for tires on T-Hoe. Then we're even. Farmer H wouldn't even care if I gave him ones. He'd shove them in his wallet until it exploded like George Costanza's when he put in that little strip of paper for guitar lessons.