Monday, July 17, 2023

The Lair Of Living Dangerously, Part 1: Waste Not, Want Not

On Wednesday, I served up one of Farmer H's favorite suppers. Well. It was his favorite supper several months ago. Perhaps six. In the freezer, I had two Chinese Tupperware containers of the chicken, noodles, mushrooms, peas, and Alfredo sauce concoction that I make during cold weather months. We try not to waste food here at the Mansion.

At the time, I had more than enough for three nights of meals for us. So I said I'd try putting the rest in the freezer, not knowing how it would reheat. Sometimes things get mushy, or watery, and are not quite palatable upon re-serving.

"I'll try it and see. If it's not good, I'll just make taquitos. They only take 11 minutes. While I'm at it, I'll bake some of those frozen biscuits in a bag that you got a bunch of from Ponytail Guy when he was giving away the free food."

"Okay. I just looked it up, and Google says you can freeze noodles."

When I got out the bag of biscuits, the date said BEST BY FEB 05, 2021. Huh. How bad can biscuits turn? These have never baked up big and fluffy. They always remained about the size of a tangerine. So I popped them in the oven.

Let the record show that the chicken and noodle dish turned out GREAT! As tasty as when I first made that batch. And the biscuits were just like when I baked them in 2021.

Also... Farmer H and I are still alive and kickin', after eating that meal for two nights.


River said...

I've eaten frozen leftovers many times with 99% being just fine, an occasional one having frostbite and being completely tasteless. I've never had frozen biscuits, but have successfully frozen, thawed and used leftover pizza dough.

Hillbilly Mom said...

We had something one time with freezer burn. Might have been Sister Schubert's Rolls, or some garlic toast. I remember it was bread of some type. We both took a bite and said, "Nope!" The dogs enjoyed it, anyway.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You live dangerously!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, we're on the cutting edge between being gourmets, and poisoning ourselves!