Saturday, August 26, 2023

Farmer H Is Floating Down That RIver In Egypt, Playing On His Phone, Feigning No Responsibility

Farmer H is blaming the victim! Pretending he had absolutely nothing to do with the TICK found imbedded in the skin of Mrs. HM's right side-hip!

"Huh. I've only had one tick all year."

"That's surprising. But even more surprising is the fact that I HAD ONE! Where am I going to pick up a tick??? I only walk from kitchen to garage, on the porch and sidewalk. Then back inside. Less than five minutes a day! In town, I'm on pavement all the time."

"Well, you pet them dogs."

"Yes. I pat them on the head. Maybe once every two weeks, I might hug one of them briefly. It's not like I'm wallowing in a dog bed with them for hours and hours."

"I ain't around the dogs."

"You feed them every morning. You put on their flea and tick medicine. You lifted Jack down from the porch when he was sick. Scarlett tries to climb in your lap when you sit outside to call someone."

"I don't know how you think I am the one who brought a tick in the house. I ain't around ticks."

"You walk over to your sheds on Shackytown Boulevard. You ride the Gator. You have been mowing the yard and the fields on your lawnmower. You were weed-eating.  You unload stuff from your truck and carry it into the BARn. That's where the ticks are. IN THE GRASS! Not on the porch or sidewalk."

"Huh. You always want to blame ME."

Yes. I DO. When Farmer H is the one traipsing about in tick territory, and then sitting on the bed to undress before showering, laying his clothes beside him until he gets up.


River said...

That Egyptian river certainly is a popular one. So many people live there. I suppose there is a small 1% chance he didn't bring in a tick, but I don't know where else you would pick one up.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, it's a booming community! I am a gambler. I know my odds. Farmer H is surely the tick-bringer.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Ticks are everywhere outside! I would readily admit that I brought a tick in! I am the one always pushing my boundaries in the woods! You don't suppose he puts bug spray on everytime he leaves the house?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Ticks don't usually get a chance to attach to me in the wild. Farmer H and bug spray are not even passing acquaintances.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I was pretty sure that he didn't, since his "brother" would never use it either. If he gets a tick, it gives him something to complain about!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

This afternoon, Farmer H was sitting in the recliner. I asked what that dark spot was on his ankle.

"Oh, probably something from the yard while I was mowing."

He didn't even reach for it to see if it was a tick! I hope that one doesn't get me! It was big enough for me to see! It wasn't moving, though.