Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Pony Straps On An Unsatisfying Feedbag

The Pony has been working a route over in Bill-Paying Town. Saturday evening, he treated himself to a meal at CiCi's Pizza. We used to go there when the kids were little. They have a pizza buffet, and a little game room. They also had some vending machines with a candy grabber, and little bouncy balls, and ice cream bars. 

The Pony always loved their pasta and desserts. He'd get breadsticks, too, but was not a big fan of the pizza. It was actually an enjoyable experience, and reasonably priced. You could see the kids through the window of the game room. A good time was always had by all.

"I went to CiCi's on Saturday. I was so disappointed because they were out of red sauce for the pasta and their plain pizza was so dry it was practically inedible. Most of what I ate was salad! And poor, poor cheese bread, and pasta with just their Alfredo sauce! Side note I love red onion. I can eat it, once peeled, like an apple. Maybe with occasional dabs of mayo or ketchup. Or ranch as the case may be."

The salad is the only thing on that table that looks appealing to me. Though not so much onion!

No word on whether The Pony played in the game room, or got a bouncy ball out of the machines.


River said...

At least he knows now to not go back there.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think this might be a temporary lesson... After all, The Pony doesn't fall far from the mom. Like me buying those bratwursts for a third time, hoping for a different outcome, The Pony will likely feed at CiCi's again.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Nothing quite so disappointing is bad food from a place you have had good food!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, he was SO looking forward to that little treat to himself after work.