Thursday, August 3, 2023

You Know Mrs. HM Is Not At Her Best When She Turns Down A Casino Trip

Farmer H had SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) business down in Casino Town on Wednesday. He had plans to work on the flip house in the morning, eat lunch at the Senior Center, then go. Yet he told me Tuesday night that he'd come back out to the Mansion and get me if I wanted to go. And we could eat lunch at the casino. Sounded good to me. 

I looked up the menu at the casino grill where we eat. Decided I'd have the chicken strips again, with fries. Checked my casino bankroll. It was fat and sassy. Planned my medicine-taking and sleep schedule. Then I checked the weather.

As the night wore on, I began to reconsider. It seemed like such a hassle. The Pony couldn't go with us. It would be just me and Farmer H. The way he told it, we would get there around 12:30, and leave at 3:00. Was it worth 90 minutes of gambling (lunch takes an hour) to ride three hours in A-Cad with Farmer H? With flash flood warnings, and the morning rain re-developing in the evening.

Nah. I don't think so. It hurts my joints to ride so long. If I'm going to endure that, I need more than 90 minutes of gambling, or I at least need three hours of time with The Pony.

You heard it here first. Mrs. HM turned down a trip to the casino.


Rae said...

That's what happens when you have time to think about something - your good sense kicks in and saves you from yourself. (Or in this case, a long trip with Hick, no Pony and only 1 hour of gambling time) I'm sure your joints thanked you. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! My joints are singing "For she's a jolly good fellow!" and virtually carrying me on a litter and feeding me grapes while fanning me with palm fronds. They are especially painful today, during a round of thunderstorms, a story which will be told on my not-so-secret blog in a day or two.

River said...

Holey Moley!
The end is nigh!
The apocalypse is upon us!
HM has turned down a Casino visit!
What will become of us all?

(with that kind of weather looming plus Farmer H's sweaving method of driving, I'm glad you opted out.)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Turns out the end is HERE! Only it arrived one day later. More of that on Friday on my not-so-secret blog.

Also, by skipping the casino, I bought my scratchers as usual, and won $118, on assorted tickets. Better than I would have left the casino, I think.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Never thought I would hear this from you!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's possible I might be feverish!