Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Farmer H Has A Problem With Portion Control

Since the last time Farmer H bought dogfood, our fleabags have grown roly-poly. Scarlett can carry the weight better than half-weiner Jack. But they are both rotund. How can that be, when I walk out and see food remaining in their food bowls? 

I have broached this topic with Farmer H. His response was that the dogs are eating something else. "Jack must be eating baby rabbits." No specific excuse for Scarlett. I first had assumed the dogs do not like the current brand of food, since their dishes remain at least half-full. But that does not explain their weight gain.

Monday, Farmer H said he had to buy dogfood again, because he ran out.

"If you wouldn't overfeed them, you wouldn't run out so fast."

"HM. I only give them two cups of food! I am NOT overfeeding them!"

Well. We know how that goes. By "cups," Farmer H means the cup he leaves in the trash can full of dry dogfood, which he uses to scoop out the morning allotment. It is NOT a measuring cup. In fact, when I looked in Scarlett's leftover food on Sunday, the bowl was at least 3/4 full. And by my assessment, the food was at least 3 measuring cups. Maybe more. I don't know if Farmer H is saying that he gives them two "cups" total, or two "cups" each.

I imagine that the bag of dogfood says how much to feed dogs by weight. It probably mentions "cups." Meaning the actual measurement, not some vessel used by dog owners to scoop out the food.

I don't know how I can make this situation clear to Farmer H. He is not very receptive to my suggestions...


Rae said...

Tell him it is very dangerous for any animal to be overweight. It shortens their lifespans. It makes it harder for them to get around, just like when we are overweight. (don't ask me how I know that last part) If he truly cares for them, he will have to change his way of feeding them. Ranee

Hillbilly Mom said...

It is really bad for my little Jack, whose half-dachshund back does not need the added weight of his belly. Especially when he likes to jump off the 5-foot-high carport to chase escaping squirrels into the woods!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

HeWho seems to think the bowl should be full at all times. I give them the required suggested amount and they eat it and then HeWho will stomp out to get them more food. Mine are fat, too. Eddie and Toni especially. Bo runs his off. My daughter measures her dogs food and keeps them in separate rooms to eat. She is a little too picky for me, but she loves her dogs and that is fine!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know mine are getting too much, because there is still food left in their bowls, and THEY ARE FAT!

Scarlett will run to eat Jack's food, so he goes to hers, and she runs back. You'd think it would keep them slim! Another reason I can tell they're being given too much food.

River said...

The only solution I can see is for you to go out there and exchange the "cup" for one of the correct size. Perhaps tell Farmer H that is the size recommended by the vet.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's an idea. I doubt Farmer H would put the effort into finding a bigger cup if I replaced it. The dogs must like the new food better, or he's giving them less. Yesterday, all of Jack's food was gone, with just a few brown pellets in Scarlett's bowl. The previous food was the multi-colored kind that they don't like.