Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Plot Definitely Thickens

When I left for town on Saturday afternoon at 3:45, the dogs did not come to greet me. I tossed their tiny treat on the side porch anyway. As I proceeded from the driveway onto the gravel road, I saw my dogs! They were standing in the BARn field, perhaps 1/3 of the way off the road, looking into that Dog Track Horse Jump field! Not barking. Just standing. Scarlett, Jack, and Copper Jack. 

There was a man in the Dog Track Horse Jump field, messing with the coils of wire on the fence. As I proceeded down the gravel road, I saw a jump in the OTHER field! Well. That threw me for a loop. I had assumed it would be a parking area. 

But wait! When I came home an hour later, I saw a truck coming down Farmer H and Buddy's Badly Blacktopped (and subsequently dug up) Hill. I waited for it to come down, and pass by me on the other hill where the traveling meth lab had been confiscated by the sheriff's department. That truck, flatbed trailer attached, went by me without even a courtesy wave! Must have been that guy messing with the Dog Track Horse Field fence. A stranger out here.

Upon passing the Barn Neighbor's house, I saw that there had been considerable activity in the field next to the house. There were mulitple horse jumps set up! The kind with white poles that had stripes, some used as rails, some in an X shape. I bet there were at least five jumps of that kind! And in the other field with the Port-A-Potty, I saw a CAMPER! The kind you pull behind a truck. About the size a hunter might use for deer camp. 

What in the NOT-HEAVEN??? There is no water or electric hook-up in that field. The oddest thing is that I saw ZERO horses or horse trailers!

I mentioned this to Farmer H when he got home. He said he thought the camper might be used for registration. WHAT? How many people would actually be coming to this "event?" Farmer H said he was surprised that there is no room to park trucks and horse trailers. Yeah. Unless they can line them around the outer edge of each field.

This venture grows curiouser and curiouser. I hope nobody brings dogs! I hope my dogs stay in the BARn field. Scarlett is just pretty enough that somebody might want to take her. No collar. We lost two cats over two different Labor Day weekends. I'm hoping Scarlett is skittish enough now that she won't approach that crew. She did her barking on Thursday at the UPS man, and then retreated to the porch, where she wouldn't even go get the treat he tossed for her.

I can't wait for Sunday and Monday, to see if there are actual horses going over those jumps... 


River said...

Curiouser and curiouser.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know the deal now! Story coming up in a day or two. I need to get pictures from The Pony.