Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Great "Dog Track" Mystery Is Solved

When I started to town at noon on Sunday, to pick up The Pony for our Labor Day grill feast... I immediately discovered what was going on in our neighbor's field(s). Cars, trucks, and trailers were lined up along our gravel road. Parked with two tires on the grass, but still cutting our road down to one lane. 

Our across-the-road Neighbor had parked her car in her driveway, thus blocking people from driving down there and parking at her house or in her field. I'm pretty sure she had a hand in this event, since I saw her walking back to her house along the road, a walkie talkie kind of implement in her hand.

I made it past all the vehicles. The two fields were teeming with people and horses. I bet there were 100 people, and at least 20 horses that I observed on my way out.

Once I had The Pony riding shotgun, I told him he was responsible for getting me pictures of the event as we returned home. The Pony DID get pictures, but they don't nearly convey the true range of this spectacle! In the hour it took me to pick up The Pony and return, most of the vehicles parked along the roadway had either left, or been parked in front of Barn Neighbor's house, or in the bottom half of the second field.

The Pony barely got pictures of any of the horses. Their riders were wearing numbers, so apparently it was some type of jumping competition. I was worried about where the horses would get water. It was hot, and the creek on that side where the Barn Neighbor and Neighbors live is only a wet-weather creek. Sure, the riders could have walked or ridden the horses down the gravel road to the main creek near the mailboxes where there's access without getting on someone else's property. I don't know how problematic that might have been for the horses on hilly gravel.

Anyhoo... here are some of The Pony's pictures:

Some cars parked in front of Barn Neighbor's house and barn.

Another view of the vehicles parked on both sides of Barn Neighbor's driveway, as we start up the hill towards our BARn field.

Past the Barn Neighbor's driveway now, and you can see some of the trailers, and other vehicles in T-Hoe's mirror, that were in front of Barn Neighbor's yard.

You can see the roadside is basically empty of vehicles by now, but people have set up their lawn chairs along the road, to watch the happenings in the field.

I can't believe The Pony got almost NO PICTURES of all the horses in the two fields! This was definitely a horse-jumping competition, and nothing to do with a dog track!

Tomorrow, we will discuss an incident...


River said...

It is a shame to not see many horses, but we get an idea of how popular this event was by all the cars. Do you think this will be a regular happening?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, it's like The Pony got some of his father's picture-taking skills! The fields were teeming with horses! It looked like too many horses in that amount of space! But I think there's only one horse in a picture, which is used for tomorrow's post. Also, you don't get to see all those jumps.

This seemed to be an organized event, so it MIGHT happen again? I need Farmer H to get on our enclave's Facebook page, and see what they called it. It was clearly a competition, with numbers on the riders.