Thursday, September 19, 2024

Let's Revisit That CUP Of Dog Food Issue

Welp! A discussion of dog food portions is never an easy task when the other discusser is Farmer H. I mentioned the problem again on Wednesday morning at 5:50, with Farmer H on the long couch before leaving to do whatever he does all day.

"You are over-feeding the dogs again! You're giving them WAY more than a cup! I took a picture of their food bowls yesterday when I left for town."

"That was TWO DAYS WORTH! They didn't eat it the day before, so I put it on top."

"Which means they're FULL! They're not hungry! You are feeding them too much!"

"No I'm not."

"That's at least three actual cups in each bowl. Probably more. They might have eaten a little off the top."

"They didn't eat until I got home. They was eatin' it last night when I came in."

"So they went a whole day, then half of another, since they usually eat at 6:00 when you leave. They're not hungry because they're full from too much food. They only need about a cup a day. Maybe another half for Scarlett, since she's bigger. It probably says that on the bag, how much to feed by weight."

"I DO measure it, HM!"

"Not with a measuring cup! You said you have a dipping cup."

"I use a PITCHER, HM!"

"Well, no wonder they're getting too much food!"

"It has markings on it. Measurements."

"Something is definitely off. Bring it in! I'm going to fill an actual measuring cup with water, and pour it in your 'pitcher,' and we'll SEE how much you SHOULD be giving them!"

"Fine! But I'm not over-feeding them. They just wasn't hungry yet."

I seriously doubt that Farmer H will bring in his PITCHER to check the measurements. And who puts MORE dog food on top of dog food already in the bowl? What kind of dog-fattening psycho DOES that??? You either leave the food for them to eat when they're hungry, or you dump it off the porch and give them fresh food.

Meanwhile, Jack and Scarlett each need a personal trainer...

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