Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is Mrs. HM The Rumpushole: Horse Festival Edition

As The Pony and I headed towards the Mansion, passing a multitude of vehicles parked at Barn Neighbor's field for the Horse Festival... I could see something in the road. 

At first I was more concerned about the people walking along the road, and didn't dwell on it.

If you look really far, you can see it. Something blue in the middle of the road. Our 10 acres next to the BARn field start where that group of trees is on the right.

Getting closer, I saw that blue object was a portable shade tent thingy. A man and little boy around 6 years old looked like they were setting it up. 

I crept along, not wanting to spook any of the horses that The Pony so skillfully avoided photographing! Here is a zoomed-in photo to show that blue object.

Here's part of that wild crowd, heh, heh. Behind the vehicle and 4-wheeler and side-by-side ATV is a white portable shade tent thingy, with four or five women sitting under it, sipping beverages. You can see the white roof of the Port-A-Potty. I guess being close to it was better than being farther from the smell, if they had to go in a hurry!

I realized that this guy was putting that blue portable shade tent thingy onto our land. Huh. What in the Not-Heaven? I may not stand up for myself when people cut in line, or a cashier throws my bananas, but I'll be danged if I don't investigate somebody appearing to make themselves at home on our property.

"Pony. Put your window down. I'm going to ask this guy what's going on. He's on our land."

"Okaaaayyyy." Said The Pony, with a heavy sigh that comes out when he would rather a problem just go away. The Pony has never liked confrontation.

"Hi. Are you planning to leave that there?"

"Oh, no. I was just getting it out of your way."

"That's a relief. Because it's on our property, and we're not having a party! So I wondered what was going on."

"We're going to move it over there."

"That's great! You all have a good time!"

"Thanks! We will."

See? Problem solved. But then I started wondering if I WAS THE RUMPUSHOLE! When Farmer H got home, we told him, and I asked if he would have stopped to talk to the guy about that portable shade tent thingy being on our land. And Farmer H said probably not! I call shenanigans!

Here's the thing. If they set up one shade tent over there, how did I know they wouldn't have other people set up shade tents? Or park there. Or move a camper up in the field where it opens up past the trees. Or ride those 4-wheelers and side-by-sides around there. Then somebody might go off exploring down in the woods, and fall into the big sinkhole that's in there. Or somebody could get hurt, or Jack could go investigate and bite them. So much COULD go wrong. You never know. That's why we have a million-dollar umbrella insurance policy. Even criminals and trespassers can sue you for an injury on your property.

Anyhoo... I was polite. I only asked that guy's intentions, and made it clear we did not expect anybody to be on land during this event.

Does that make me the rumpushole?

Upon further relection, I'm wondering why that guy couldn't just move his shade tent out of the way on HIS SIDE OF THE ROAD? Since that was where he was supposedly going to putting it anyway...


Pudge450 said...

I’m with you. Get the story. My husband and I find that people are more than willing to utilize your things…your land, extra storage space, your equipment, your utility trailer, etc. a few years ago we installed security cameras on property we own about 12 miles outside of town. It was my husband’s mother’s place where she lived before she passed. The house is maintained as when she lived there and there is about 200 acres of land. Well…..much to our surprise, we received alerts shortly after we installed the cameras. Our Great Niece had shown up with an entourage for photo sessions. She is a photographer and had been using OUR land and numerous “props “ located around the house for her business. Without even asking. Imagine the liability. Also, we go to great lengths to not let it be known that nobody lives there. And here she is dragging just whoever there. She felt entitled because her Great Granny had owned it. But we own it now…bought and paid for from the numerous heirs. We have the family reunion there every year and various family members stay there when they visit from other states. A couple of family members have the code to unlock the door and we have found things they just moved in for storage. Because it was mama’s house. People amaze me. No boundaries.

Oh, and the niece…she moved a few things from the porch to another area for her shoot. Just left them there.

River said...

I'm guessing that man didn't realise he'd be on your land if he put the tent there which is why he chose to move out of your way in that direction. Good thing you told him so he could change his mind and move to the proper side of the road. I agree you are NOT a rumpushole, and if one tent gets allowed others will follow, so stand your ground.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I definitely understand. Farmer H has caught people picking our blackberries over in the BARn field. When he asked what they were doing picking berries on his land, they got all indignant, saying they had picked there for years. AS IF that made it okay!

Several relatives have come out here to take engagement or wedding or pregnant pictures down by Farmer H's Creeekside Cabin. At least they asked, and were granted permission. And at least Farmer H told me they were coming, in case I saw their cars parked here.

Also, Farmer H has at times left his tractor loaded on his trailer, to prevent it from being "borrowed."

Hillbilly Mom said...

I assume he thought it was FREE LAND! Like a highway right-of-way or something. Or that the owner wasn't around, and would never know. I bet he wouldn't have set his shade tent there if it hadn't been nicely mowed, like Farmer H keeps it.

Thanks for making me a NOT-Rumpushole! I'm glad I stopped to ask.