Monday, September 30, 2024

The Pony Cannot Change His Spots

As I mentioned yesterday, The Pony developed a significant rash overnight, after his 8 hours of delivering mail in the rain on Friday. My little warrior went to work, determined to complete his duties.

Okay. I lied yesterday about not subjecting you to pictures. They're coming! BE WARNED! First, you might enjoy this view of The Pony's lunch Friday, so as not to have a rash picture show up in the thumbnail... There will be 4 rashy pictures coming after that, in case you decide to abandon ship.

That's shrimp on a pizza! I would never try such a combination. The Pony likes shrimp. He's eaten shrimp all his life, mostly the fried variety. Never any problems. Anyhoo... the thing with food allergies is, if they don't kill you right away by closing up your throat, a skin rash associated with them usually fades away in six hours. So even though The Pony considered this as something different that day, that might have caused a rash, the timing was not convincing. 

Okay, here comes the photo evidence.

Friday, after a couple hours of work, here's what The Pony's arm looked like:

Not something I'd like to deal with during a full day of work. But The Pony gave it a try, and completed his route. By then, all the convenient care/urgent care facilities were closed. It was not such an emergency to demand an ER visit. The Pony talked to a friend, who suggested an over-the-counter drug like Benadryl, but a non-drowsy variety. So that's what The Pony got.

Sunday morning, The Pony sent a picture during a cold shower. NO! Not like that! Just an arm photo, heh, heh!

Still looked about the same, maybe a little less red. That's the inner arm, where the worst of the problem occurred. 

I think this might be the top part of the arm:

Not quite as bad, but maybe more bumps would erupt from the red area. You never know.

So... The Pony went to the convenient care Sunday morning. Had to wait a couple hours, seeing as how his life was not hanging in the balance, and other people might have had more pressing issues. The NP (I assume) said it could be anything, including a reaction from the wet synthetic clothing rubbing on The Pony's active arm for 8 hours.

The Pony left with a prescription for prednisone, and a steroidal cream, and a note for work in case it wasn't better Monday morning. He put the cream on as soon as he picked it up, and then took a pill with lunch.

About an hour and a half later, this is how his arm looked:

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I believe it looks a tiny bit "better," in that some of the redness is fading. Hope it clears up pretty soon, because The Pony says it is painful when something touches it.

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