Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Pony Won't Be Exercising Me On Sunday

The Pony and I were planning our new weekly shopping trip on Sunday, to walk me around the store for exercise. But there's been a snag, revealed by The Pony in a text from work on Saturday afternoon.

"We should probably avoid the shopping trip tomorrow just in case. One of the residents I usually hand mail to since they're outside pretty often has covid, she just told me. Chance is low, but I'm not gambling your health on something with higher odds than the PowerBall! Or your $8600 and my $2400 (without an ID) casino handpay!"

"Okay! Maybe you should start your vitamin tomorrow. Though without a gummi worm, since I can't bring it to you."

The Pony is such a sweetie, worried about my health. Even though these days The Virus is pretty much a cold, and I've allegedly already had it, so have antibodies. The ER said I had it, but my hospital discharge papers gave my diagnosis as "community-acquired pneumonia." Better safe than sorry, though.

I won't be missing out on any exercise. I still have to go buy bananas and Hawaiian bread. 10Box is even bigger than Country Mart. So I'll go from one end to the other.


Plain Jane said...

I'm glad Pony is trying to keep you safe.
Antibodies from a Covid infection only last 3 to 4 months after you've had it, some sources say 8 months.
Covid is not a cold, research has shown that even a mild case of it, can cause long-lasting damage to your body.
Covid is worse in older adults & those with medical conditions.
I've had it twice & now have long Covid.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Plain Jane,
The Pony has tried all along to keep us safe. He's very considerate of our limitations, and volunteers to help out when he's off work. :)

River said...

I've managed to avoid covid so far but the cold I caught from the twins has left me with a cough which I suspect is more allergy than the actual cold because the antihistamines help more than the cough syrup. I hope The Pony doesn't get it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony already had it this year, verified by a test, and was told he could come back to work when he'd been without a fever for 24 hours, and to wear a mask for a few days while inside the post office. The Pony also said his cough took a while to get over. I think he took Niquil and Dayquil to help it.

On this same day that old lady told him she had it, another lady came to the door to sign for a letter. She said SHE also had it, and didn't want to touch The Pony's scanner thingy. She told him to sign her name, and just put the letter in the mailbox for her to get when he left the porch. The Pony said that's what the instructions were during the lockdown: don't let anybody touch your scanner, just sign for them with their permission.