Monday, September 9, 2024

The Attractive Opposites

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that Farmer H and Mrs. HM are attractive. We are not what one might call "pleasing to the eye." No. I'm acknowledging that sometimes, the old "opposites attract" theory is true. 

The clock in the master bathroom has not been working for a few weeks. It keeps time, but the WRONG time. It has been 10 minutes slow for a while. And then 8 hours slow! I figured the battery must be low, which is how this has happened before. So I asked Farmer H:

"What do you think that bathroom clock takes? An  AA battery?"

Assuming, of course, that Farmer H would get a battery out of the battery drawer in the Mansion kitchen, and replace the faulty one in the clock. But no. You know what happens when we ASSume.

"Yeah. That's probably what it takes."

You'd think Farmer H might want to know the proper time, since he's the one who gets up around 5:30, and goes to town to meet up with Old Buddy for Flip House or mowing or Storage Unit Store projects. Sure, he has his cell phone on the counter beside the sink. But it's different to go to the phone and click on it, rather than to glance at a clock on the wall.

Finally, on Saturday, I laid out an AA battery on the cutting block. I told Farmer H as he was getting himself a snack before supper. As I warmed up his supper an hour later, I spied that AA battery on the floor! And not on the side of the cutting block where I had put it. Farmer H came to the kitchen to gather his supper, and return to his recliner.

"How did that battery get on the floor?"

"I don't know. I didn't do it!"

"Funny how it fell off the cutting block, and rolled around the floor to another side of the cutting block."

"I don't know how that happened, but I know that I didn't do it!"

That story would not stand up to cross-examination in a court of law! But at least Farmer H picked up the battery, and eventually put it in the bathroom clock. I noticed on Sunday, as I was getting ready for my shower before town. That clock seemed to be in a somewhat accurate mode. Even though upon checking my cell phone, I discovered that it was five minutes slow.

That's the thing about Farmer H. He always sets a clock five minutes slow! All of them during Daylight Savings Time start and end. Every clock he touches is five minutes slow! There's no logical reason for that. I'm sure he consults his cell phone for the time. Then I suppose he subtracts five minutes!

I, on the other hand, set all clocks two minutes fast. I do it on purpose. I like that little cushion, in case I am trying to get to the living room to start watching a TV show. 

I guess we are truly like Jack Sprat and wife. Although we both eat fat and lean.


Rae said...

I have to say I prefer my clocks to be 5 minutes fast. However, my husband is a right on the mark kind of guy, so he consults his cell phone for accuracy and then sets the clocks. It doesn't matter as much anymore, for me, as I no longer leave the house for work, but since he doesn't adjust the clock radio (yes, we still have one), I still set that one 5 minutes fast. I think it's habit, more than anything. We have 2 clocks (1 in LR and 1 in DR) that are the exact style clock, one is green and the other burgundy. We have had these clocks for over 25 years, maybe longer. It amazes me that they still work, although one always loses 2 minutes, after clock changing, and then stays there. It did it almost at the very beginning, but since it was always just the 2 minutes, never really worried about it. Besides, you can't go anywhere in this house without a clock showing the time. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

The clock in T-Hoe gains time. I used to have it two minutes fast, back when we got the car, and I was driving the boys to school with me. I have left it the same, even when time changes and I move it an hour ahead or back. NOW it is 27 minutes fast, heh, heh! I'm used to it. Just subtract in my head. But when Farmer H rides with me, he freaks out, thinking he's lost valuable time.

River said...

I set my clocks a little fast too so I never miss a bus, an old habit from when I needed to be on time for work.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, that's why I did it. You can't be late for work. Especially when you can't predict any traffic issues, and when I would have 30 students unsupervised in the hall if I didn't show up on time!

That's also why I tried to get to work at least 30 minutes before school, to have that cushion. I was hindered by the time I was allowed to drop off Genius and The Pony at their schools. Couldn't get there too early.