Sunday, September 18, 2022

Farmer H Has Lost His Edge

Farmer H went to the auction last week and last night. He's lost his edge! He's not buying good stuff that I can show you. I think he has lost his concentration, due to visions of a new Storage Unit Store dancing in his head.

Last week, Farmer H went to the auction early, with items to sell. But he came home at the regular time. He said he didn't see anything he wanted to buy, and didn't hang around to get his money from the items he sold. He told the lady who runs the auction that he'd get it next week. He couldn't be bothered to stick around until the whole auction wrapped up.

Last night, Farmer H only bought one item:

That was a good deal! He only paid $2 for that family size bag of M&Ms. It would be around $6 at Country Mart. Maybe more! Farmer H himself said he should have gotten more than one.

Also, they had little stuffed animals 5 for $3. He wished he'd bought 20 of them, for Santa to give out when he goes to his yearly local pre-school visit.

I sure wish Farmer H had opened this bag to sample the wares! He said I could have some, but I don't want to be the one to open the bag.


Unknown said...

DARK chocolate M and Ms?

I prefer the regular kind. However, you're not inviting me to partake, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I prefer the dark chocolate. I was surprised that Farmer H bought them. He'll eat dark chocolate, but not at the level I do. Maybe he bought himself a bag of the regular kind, and is keeping it in SilverRedO!

When we have a bag of Hershey's Miniatures around the holidays, for stocking-stuffer purposes, I always pick out the Dark Chocolate for myself. The Pony likes the Milk Chocolate and Krackel versions, and the three of us pilfer the Mr. Goodbar with peanuts.

My favorite M&Ms flavor is the MINT chocolate. I think they are a limited version. I haven't seen them in a while. I'd share with you if I found some, but it seems you are not a fan of mint chocolate, at least in ice cream. More for me!

River said...

Who is this person pretending to be River?
I think you should go ahead and open the bag, since you've said Farmer H prefers milk chocolate not the dark. Don't forget to save a few for The Pony, he likes dark chocolate too, I think.

Hillbilly Mom said...

OOPS! That is no imposter. My fault for seeing your comment on my other post, and ASSuming this was yours. I have so few commenters, you know. But my reply to you still stands!

Farmer H opened the bag this afternoon, and I had some, and they are delicious. Though before my next serving, I will chill them in FRIG II.

The Pony is not a fan of dark chocolate. Not even DOVE chocolates. Perhaps he has an imposter professing to like dark chocolate!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Dark chocolate I like!! But not more than licorice ....

Hillbilly Mom said...

Don't get me started on licorice! I LOVE IT! But ever since I read that it raises blood pressure, I've given it up. :( I used to find the BEST black licorice over at a Walgreens in Bill-Paying Town. The name of it was something like Australian Licorice. I don't know if that's a style, or that's where it came from. What say River?