Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Juno Is Off Her Rocker

As I sit at the kitchen table typing, it is 11:54 p.m. on Tuesday night, and my Sweet, Sweet Juno has lost her flippin' mind! I have no other explanation for the current shenaniganning of which she is partaking.
Juno's dog house is a mere 15 feet away. Ten feet of kitchen, then five feet on the other side of the door. She is scraping and scratching the floor of her house like a madwoman! I don't know what is going on. I opened the door and asked her, but she surprisingly did not answer. So I shouted her name, and she came out of her house like nothing was going on. Just strolled out, looking for a treat!

Of course that was a signal for my little Jack to stop his half-hearted yapping at Copper Jack, and come running around the porch for HIS treat. I gave Jack a little scrap of a hush puppy left from my supper, because I like him better. Shh... don't tell Juno. It's only because of her infernal scraping and scratching. I gave HER a piece of a hamburger bun that went stale but not moldy. She took in into her house. 

As soon as I closed the door and sat down, Juno started scratching and scraping again!

I don't have a flashlight handy to peer inside. I suppose maybe she got one of her hoarded dried bones caught in a crack in the floor or side wall. No other idea why she would start this now. It's been going on for over 90 minutes!

At least she might file down her doggy toenails a bit before morning.


River said...

It's possible she is chasing some tiny irritating critter that has set up home in her floorboards. I suggest giving her home a good clean inside and out and underneath too, then just put all her stuff back in and see what happens.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Not sure what kind of critter could be in there without her killing it or running it out. It has a regular plywood floor, with only the seams along the bottom of the walls. I haven't heard any crickets, though one was in the basement a few nights ago, and drove me crazy!

When I peered in today while tossing her a treat of a frozen chicken meatball from 2020... her house actually looked like it had been cleaned out! Maybe Farmer H did it, and now she's not used to the minimalist decor!

However, my Sweet Sweet Juno was limping on her back left leg today. I know she doesn't dig with her back feet. So not sure if it's related to her frenzy last night. Hopefully there was no snake in her house! I've never seen one on the porch.

River said...

Cockroaches? Could Juno now have splinters between her toes? from all the scrabbling? Spider bite? I hope you find the problem soon, I don't like to think of Juno being unhappy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I haven't seen roaches on the porch, either. If it was a front paw, maybe splinters. Not sure about a back paw. It might be totally unrelated to her scratching frenzy. Juno is skipping around on three feet today. She will put it down to stand. She is skittish if you try to capture her and look at owies.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Toni Louise does that sometimes. Just like she is searching and she makes a great deal of noise doing so. If HeWho tells her to stop, she will, but not for long. All I have to do is say "flyswatter in a stern voice and she will stop immediately. It has always been a threat they do not want used on them!
Are you having trouble posting comments? I am. Some days it will be fine, then some days it will tell me "content not found" on some of the blogs I read after I have typed a spiffy come back. It is Blogger, not my internet.

Hillbilly Mom said...

My childhood miniature poodle, Buster, feared the broom! Not as a threat. He was well-behaved. I guess his birth parents used the broom as punishment before I got him as a Christmas present. Heh, heh! My mom showed me the house where they got him. When we'd take him for a ride, and go by that house, I'd say, "Look out, Bus! That's where the BROOM lives!" I guess that was kind of cruel...

I've been having that trouble for months! In fact, I've taken to copying my comment before hitting the PUBLISH button. So if it disappears, I try again. River's blog makes me sign in, even though I'm already signed in. My other blog tells me SOMETHING WENT WRONG when I try to publish a response. But hitting PUBLISH again makes it go through. This one has been working for me so far.

However... some comments go straight to the SPAM folder, and I have to fish them out. Even though another one on the same day shows up the right way.