Friday, September 9, 2022

This Will NOT Be On Our Menu

It's been a few weeks since we had take-out food. So I decreed that we will be having pizza on Friday night. I was thinking Domino's thin crust, but Farmer H said he'd rather have Casey's. I guess that's okay. I like Casey's. It's so doughy and cheesy, with lots of toppings, but it comes at a price.

Casey's puts a poster on the outer wall of their monthly special. Here's the current version, which we WON'T be serving at the Mansion:

YUCK! Who wants BEER CHEESE for breakfast? Not this ol' gal, that's for sure. No siree, Bob! I do see the sticker saying you can get it any time, but just the thought of Beer Cheese Breakfast Pizza has turned me off to it altogether.

We're having a Supreme, without the pepperoni.


River said...

Beer cheese? What the heck is beer cheese?
I'll be having pizza tonight. I have all the pizza crust ingredients laid out in the kitchen, just need to get started.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Beer cheese is just what it sounds like. Cheese with beer flavor. Probably real beer in it, too. I know it was one of my dipping sauces when I used to get a big pretzel for lunch at a casino. It came with two cheese sauces. One was beer cheese, and I can't remember what they called the other. I don't think it was nacho, but both had that consistency. The beer cheese was good with the pretzel. On a breakfast pizza? I don't want to find out!

Hope your pizza is delicious!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like beer cheese, but, alas, there is no Casey's here. No Save A Lot either. There is an Italian restarnat close that makes an excellent pizza and we had one yesterday!

Hillbilly Mom said...

So sorry to hear that you won't be able to have BEER CHEESE PIZZA FOR BREAKFAST! Sadly, you probably can't find Diet Shasta Cola with no Save A Lot. That is the bigger tragedy. Congrats on finding an excellent pizza connection.