Thursday, September 1, 2022

Farmer H Upsets The Apple Cart

Technically, Farmer H upset ME! Not in a loud crashing toppling-over incident, but emotionally. Yes. Even Mrs. HM, with her cold, cold heart, has emotions. They usually run quite hot. As in this case. 

The Truth in Blogging Law requires me to inform you that Farmer H did not harm any apples. He actually upset the balance of the banana bowl. It's a heavy, oval glass bowl that I think has fruit shapes in the glass. It was given to me as a gift, quite possibly by my mom. It has legs in the bottom. The only fruit we have around now is bananas. Gone are the days of variety when two ravenous boys shared our Mansion.

Every morning, Farmer H and I each have a banana. It's a good source of potassium, you know. I once ended up at the ER with very low potassium, causing my heart to skip beats. Apparently my "potassium-sparing" blood pressure med did not get the memo about "sparing." Farmer H also takes such a med, and I believe he takes those giant horsepill potassium tablets as well.

Making sure we always have our morning banana is quite a task. You can't just buy a truckload and put them in the pantry for later. I try to make sure we have 8 bananas in the bowl after I make a shopping trip. Which means that at least every four days, I have to go buy bananas. 


Just like Seinfeld nemesis Newman says of the mail: "It never stops!" I am on a constant quest for bananas. Now Farmer H has made my job more difficult.


That means we are a banana short! I will have to go to the store one day sooner. Or else go without my daily banana. Because Farmer H gets up first, and takes his banana before I do.

You know what will be discussed during Wednesday evening's session of "Now Is the Time We Talk About the Most Recent Thing You've Done Wrong."


River said...

Two bananas? Oh the shameless greed! Perhaps you will have to start writing your names on those bananas with black sharpies. I like banana smoothies, but haven't had one since last summer. Nor even a banana since last summer.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's not so much the greed, but the fact that it throws off my banana count, and affects my shopping schedule. Then TODAY, after I'd come home from the store, with 5 bananas, giving us 8 in the bowl... Farmer H had one for a snack, since he had missed his morning banana due to his medical procedure! Now we're uneven AGAIN!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Now he is a day late and a banana short! I never worry about HeWho bothering any fresh fruit, as he only eats it in the form of a pie.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H buys green grapes at the auction. I never see him eat any. He shoves them in FRIG II, where they turn brown and I toss them off the back porch. Any time I ask why he bought them, he says, "I love green grapes." Must be an emotional thing, not a taste thing!