Saturday, September 24, 2022

Seniors Be Eatin' High On The Chicken

Farmer H took a picture of his meal from the Senior Center on Friday. Not a bad deal for $3. Of course he said some of the "old people" once again threw away their whole tray. The food on it. Not the ACTUAL tray, like one of my old colleagues from the Semi Weekly Meeting of the Newmentia Lunch Time Think Tank used to throw away his plastic chili bowl off the tray. Knowingly! 

According to Farmer H, the lunch was two PIECES of BBQ chicken, potatoes "a la gratin," green beans, a cucumber/macaroni salad, and cherry pie. He said the servers are going to ask that old lady next time: "Are you going to throw away your tray? Because if you are, why don't you just say you don't want it, so we don't waste food?" Good luck with that.

Anyhoo... doesn't something about those chicken legs look a little bit off? There's a bone where there shouldn't be a bone. Was that chicken a peg-leg? Did it not have a thigh?

When Farmer H left the Mansion Friday morning, he did not know what the Senior Center was having for lunch. Of course it ended up being the same thing we were having for supper. Chicken and mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese! From Country Mart deli. Yeah. He didn't get all the other sides.

Farmer H ate it like it was good. It cost more than $3.


River said...

Possibly the meat on that chicken leg was pushed back before cooking, to give the "old" people something to hold on to while they gnawed at the meat. Chicken legs without thighs attached are called Drumsticks here. It looks like decent meal, I don't know why anyone would throw it away. Even if they don't like one part, maybe the beans, they could eat the rest. I sure as heck wouldn't throw away cherry pie!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah, they're called drumsticks here, too. But most people hold onto the small end, like the bottom drumstick. Even if it still has some skin and meat on it. That top one looks freaky. But I wouldn't throw it away!!!

It's almost like that old lady is being petulant, or trying to make a point. I can't believe she didn't like one single item on her tray for two (or three) days in a row! Farmer H wasn't there on Thursday, so he doesn't know what they had or if she ate.

I would probably skip the cucumber pasta. The green beans look like they might have mushroom soup in them. That's a plus for Farmer H, who loves mushrooms.