Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Heartbreaking Tale Of Staggering Unusuality

I hesitate to tell this sad tale, but it has been bothering me since yesterday. So now it will bother you, too. Unless you decide to skip it. You still have time. You know it takes me a while to get to the point...

After leaving the Gas Station Chicken Store on Monday afternoon, I was sitting in T-Hoe at the 4-way intersection, waiting to cross over and go to 10Box. I know that the cars across from me, waiting to make their left turn, get the green arrow ahead of my line going straight across. There were five or six cars in that line, waiting for their green arrow. The cross traffic still had the green as we waited.

A blond lady got out of the second car in that left-turn lane, and walked up to the first car, a small SUV! What in the Not-Heaven? I've never seen anybody do this. She tapped on the window. I couldn't tell if the driver put the window down. Blondie was gesturing with both hands, pointing to the back of that SUV, then turning both hands palm up. Like she didn't know what to do.

I thought maybe that lady had run into the back of the SUV, and was wondering about where they could pull over to exchange insurance info. Or maybe she was trying to describe the damage, or no damage. The SUV driver made no move to get out. 

Blondie walked back to the rear of the SUV. She seemed to reach out for something, but I couldn't see. Then the light changed, and the SUV drove forward, and started the left turn. 

NOOOOO! Something flipped out from that SUV! I couldn't tell if it was off the bumper, or had been up on a tire, or in the wheel well. It looked like a little ground squirrel (or chipmunk as some might call it, but we don't here).

Blondie had to hustle back into her car, because it was holding up the line of traffic. All but the last one made it through the light. That little critter just lay there. Not moving. As I went across the intersection, I saw that it was NOT a ground squirrel. It was a little orangy-yellow kitten.

That broke my heart. I'm hoping it was instant. There was no movement at all. I don't know what else Blondie could have done. Or what the other driver could have done. It's a busy time for that intersection. Cars don't all make it through, and traffic gets backed up at the other two lights on the section of road I take home, that passes under the overpass.

I guess if Blondie could have reached it, she could have snatched that kitten off the SUV. But then she might have been stealing someone's pet. 

No answers. Just a sad situation. 


River said...

Oh no! That is sad. I wonder if that kitty had made it that far clinging to the SUV, maybe she would have made it to their destination and been discovered and still alive.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't know. Blondie didn't touch the kitty, as best I could see her reaching. It didn't look like she had hold of anything when that SUV started moving. It's a wide intersection that you have to hustle to get through, and from their direction it's slightly uphill. So I don't know if kitty could have held on from the hill AND the acceleration.

It's just sad. But there are millions more kitties in the world to be found and loved by someone.