Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Lupper And A Show (That Thankfully Didn't Happen)

Perhaps you've heard that I started working on my taxes Sunday morning. I even got up early, at 10:30! The Pony had everything ready to go, so I didn't have to spin my wheels dealing with technology. I worked 3.5 hours, and made a big dent in my preparations. I can follow TurboTax directions like a champ!
Monday, the plan was to finish up, using the info I'd had to harvest from my lair overnight. With corrections made, it wouldn't take but a half hour or so to finish my Fed, State, and The Pony's Fed and State returns.
Except I had a guest. Two, in fact. The first being The Pony. I don't mean to bash him. Obviously, he love, love, LOVES to be in my presence! Because he came to fix his lunch again. More like lupper. Late lunch, early supper.
He had a slice of leftover cheese Domino's, and a slice of leftover spinach Domino's. He orders his pizza half-and-half. So there was the pan-clanging. Oh, and he decided to enjoy an adult beverage with his lupper. It was 5:00 somewhere, but it was 2:00 in our Mansion. The Pony picked up the 2-liter COKE that he got at Domino's, and began perusing the whiskey bottles. Farmer H has two on the kitchen counter. The one he doesn't like, and the one he does. Of course The Pony picked up the newest one.
"Um. No. Dad likes that one. Use the other one."
"THIS one?"
"Yes. There are only two. If you're not using the one you just put down, you use THAT one."
Oh, and The Pony also made himself a salad. Such a healthy meal. Leftover pizza, whiskey and Coke, and a Caesar salad from a bag mix, with CROUTONS! You might wonder how I know about the croutons. Let me tell you. The Pony did not assume his regular dining spot, sitting on the floor in the living room, leaning against the long couch, food on the marred coffee table. Oh, no. He decided to eat sitting on a stool at the cutting block. So he could be nearer to me, I'm sure.
"What IS that noise?"
"Oh, that's just my croutons that came with the salad mix."
Of course.
The only thing more distracting from my taxes might have been if The Pony played some Irish music on his phone, and did some riverdancing around the cutting block.
The intrusion of Farmer H was almost a respite...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Doesn't The Pony know you're supposed to put enough salad dressing in his bowl that the croutons get all sss--soggy, soft and silent.

Didn't he learn nothin' at that college he went to?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Family can annoy. I am currently so mad at one of my offspring for putting her family on a plane and flying to Florida. My granddaughter now has Covid. All because she felt they "deserved" a vacation. Why tempt fate, I ask you! Planes aren't healthy breathing environments in the best of times and why not go to a heavily populated state where no one is taking precautions. All she accomplished was a sunburn and a good dose of angst for me! I am done now.

River said...

Pizza and a real salad! I'm impressed. And of course he sat nearby, not to distract you, but in case you needed help. Such a dutiful son :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm pretty sure there was no salad-eating by The Pony at college. Not even with his meal ticket, in a cafeteria that rivals the most appealing food court in a pre-VIRUS mall.

I don't worry about the VIRUS, but even I wouldn't get on a PLANE right now! Not even to fly to a Vegas casino with thousands of dollars of free play!

Yes. He did it FOR ME! Because The Pony cares so much about HELPING people.