Thursday, March 25, 2021

Payback Is A Sitch

Sweet Gummi Mary! Such a fortuitous situation was dropped into my non-lap that I can scarcely contain my glee! 
The stars aligned, Even Steven opened up his day planner, a TV station took a payoff, and the perfect storm arrived as The Pony was cooking his daily meal on Wednesday. You might recall that only the day before, The Pony had cast aspersions upon the intentions of one Mrs. Hillbilly Mom when she dared to describe a building recently beset by fire as a white church. Even though a drive past it showed a structure covered with white siding.

I guarandarntee you, my cold revenge was a dish much sweeter than the hot battered fish and garlic toast that The Pony served himself for lupper. He was sitting on the long couch, tapping on his laptop, watching American Dad while waiting for his food to heat up. I sat down on the short couch for a minute, before descending to my lair for my own lunch.

I don't watch American Dad unless The Pony has it on. But I looked up the episode [Brains, Brains and Automobiles] after the fact. Just in case you want to after-the-fact-check me.

Anyhoo... this sweet reprisal could not have been more welcome if it had arrived on my doorstep, wrapped up in a dog-proof box, and tied with a big red bow. On the TV screen, a crocodile/alligator walked out of the water towards American Dad. He (the critter not the dad) was wearing a pink floppy hat with a feather, and a vest, and a neck scarf. 


"Mom. Heh, heh. He's a Chocodile..."

"That's even worse! How can you say that about a green alligator/crocodile? Are you implying that he's BLACK? Because he seems to be dressed like a pimp?"

"No! No, Mom. He is literally the mascot for Hostess Chocodiles!"

"I've had a Chocodile. I don't recall them pimping it out with a cartoon character. And WHY? Just because it's dark on the outside?"

"It's just using a crocodile for a chocolate-covered Twinkie. Chocodile/crocodile."

"I sure hope your phone isn't listening to you! You'll NEVER be able to get a job! Did you see the other day when a lady lost her job for something she said when she was 14? They will find it! That's how it is these days! Always about race, always about dividing."

I don't know if The Pony got my point. For a nanosecond, I thought I saw panic dash across his face when I called him out for Chocodiling. No harm intended on his part. But less innocent than my description of the outside of a worship-house.

Sometimes, a delicious chocolate-enrobed snack cake is just a delicious chocolate-enrobed snack cake. Even though Hostess has done away with the mascot.
Here is a Chauncey Chocodile picture from American Dad.

Here is a Chauncey Chocodile commercial that I'd never seen. [30 seconds]

Here is a video of Kramer being mistaken for a pimp. [2 minutes]
Because I loved Seinfeld, and it just goes to show that sometimes, a man with a cane and a flamboyant coat and a floppy hat is just a man with a cane and a flamboyant coat and a floppy hat.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Oh yes. Kramer the pimp. Kramer as the intellectually deficient and physically challenged "poster child" at fundraising dinner. Kramer as the turkey bobbling around in the hot tub. The list is endless.

But I'm not going to comment on the little duel between you and your baby boy. I'm reeling from the your other blog's post. Your sister. I know what I would have done if I had been the server bringing food to your sister. I used to be a waitress, and although I never "added" any ingredients to my customers' food, your sister deserved it. A little glob of something--snarked up from a collaborative effort of the mouth and the nasal cavity--would take the place of BBQ sauce.

What is with the BBQ sauce? Is it a banned condiment where she lives? Is she jonesing for it? If she doesn't get some--NOW!--will she start the tremors? How about the family pools their money and springs for a small container of the stuff so she can keep it in her purse... in case there's a BBQ sauce emergency. Or better yet, go to Arbys and ask for some packets--and have her carry them at all times.

The server doesn't like her? I can see why...

And sharp American cheese? I've never heard of that. I've only heard that sharp Americans don't tick off the people who bring them food.

Oh my. My head is still spinning.

River said...

"are you implying that he's BLACK, because he is dressed like a pimp?"
That's YOU being racist, because:

1:- not all pimps dress like that
2:- not all pimps are black
3:- not all blacks are pimps.

The Kramer clip was funny, but I don't like the Chocodile ads. Or the chocodile name.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, stay out of the duel, because I'll convert you into a racist.

As for Sis... I say, "What is with NOT GIVING A CUSTOMER BBQ SAUCE?"

Sis didn't just waltz in there and ask for BBQ sauce to stir into a cup of water to make hobo soup (oops, there I go, being a classist). She was a paying customer. Could they not squirt BBQ sauce on her burger instead of bringing 15 packets of ketchup to the table? Which they DIDN'T do this time, for the first time ever.

Yes, Sis was overbearing in her quest for a condiment, not taking NO for an answer. 3 times. But why should she have to eat a dry burger? Also, the only salt and pepper we had this time was in the plastic-wrapped packets of knife/fork/spoon/napkin. Usually we get a cardboard dish of packets of ketchup, mayo, mustard, salt, and pepper. This time NOTHING.

SWEET GUMMI MARY! What kind of world has it become when a person DESERVES to have their food bespoiled by spittle just for requesting (numerous times) a condiment for their meal? I suppose I will become even meeker while waiting to inherit the earth, and not dare to ask for anything other than what is served to me. [Of which there's an upcoming story in a day or two.]

I guess we should strap on a condiment purse alongside our gambling purse, to bring in outside sauces like Jerry and Kramer brought outside maple syrup to the diner. Better yet, I wish the land was FLOWING WITH BBQ SAUCE! So people on their high-horses could gallop by, throwing haughty disapproving stinkeyes, all the while splashing that delicious BBQ sauce onto our burgers!

I don't think there IS such a thing as Sharp American. But I heard it right out of SERVER's mouth. I wonder if she was just doing that to see if Sis chose it. Which she DID!

I see the media has gotten to you. Of course I'm a racist.

Perhaps hearing the music and hearing the voice of the "Chocodile" between 2:35 and 2:45 in this actual clip from the episode

might make you a racist as well. Or not. Perhaps such characteristics will make you think that critter is meant to portray a Sunday School teacher.

Having seen Kramer in such clothes, being mistaken for a pimp, is what I thought of first. Especially the hat. Then I heard the Chocodile's voice when he said, "Oh HELL no!"

Thanks for reminding me that nobody is allowed to make any mention of race for any reason, because that makes them a racist.

River said...

I hang my head in shame for getting so stirred up. I'd been reading the newspaper..

Hillbilly Mom said...

Lift your head before you asphyxiate yourself with cracker crumbs! I KNEW the media got to you. The media has The Pony so indoctrinated that he seems as if he can't think for himself! He repeats the standard talking points, without bothering to delve deeper for facts.

I don't mind a discussion of opposing viewpoints, as long as a person has a reason for their opinion. That reason being more than "sources say," or "a spokesman close to the investigation believes..." Dig for some actual facts, without relying on the first three or four pages of what a Google search wants you to read. The Pony seems loathe to do that.