Monday, October 2, 2023

Farmer H's BARn Door Is Open

Saturday evening, Farmer H was in a tizzy, decrying the fact that he had seen his BARn DOOR OPEN that morning as he was driving to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). Not the main BARn door, but the people door under the lean-to. 

"I was sure it was closed. I was in it a couple days ago. I know I shut it."

"Was your guy working over there? Did you let him in, or give him a key?"

"No. He didn't have any reason to be in the BARn."

"Are you sure you closed it?"

"Yeah. Pretty sure."

"Maybe you didn't pull it all the way until it latched. Scarlett jumps on doors. She does it in the garage, and sometimes at the kitchen door before I get over to unlock it. Jumps up and puts her paws on it. She could have pushed it open, if she followed your trail over there. She ADORES you, you know."

"I guess maybe she could of."

"Was anything missing?"

"No. Nothing."

"So I don't think somebody broke in. You either forgot, or Scarlett jumped on it."

"I guess so."

Another mystery solved. Didn't even have to call Mystery Inc., or have the Mystery Machine drive through the BARn field.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Look at you, Nancy Drew! Figuring out the most baffling creature in the world .... a man and his memory!

River said...

Well I'm glad nothing was missing and perhaps now he will be more careful to close it properly.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I AM quite proud! I am polishing my fingernails on my lapel as I type this one-handed.

You'd think, but I'm not sure this incident will change anything. My first thought was his "helper" who has been around for way too long.