Friday, October 20, 2023

Still There

The boxes of Amazon packages that I spied in a field behind an auction business are still there! Plus more! Not just in a line down the side of the property, but now also behind the building. 


Looks like there was a tornado that blew stuff around. Or like people have been cleaning out a flooded house. Except the boxes are stacked and seemingly in some type of bundles. Like for different buyers or routes. Not all are wrapped in plastic. 

There's a white trailer parked beside the property. Kind of a cross between a camper and one of those construction site portable offices. I suppose maybe somebody is staying there overnight, to prevent theft? Not sure how you would do that, though. You can't shoot somebody for picking up boxes in a field to steal them. A stern "STOP THAT!" would most likely not be effective for a seasoned thief. Who wouldn't hang around waiting for police to show up and arrest them.

It's Friday. Maybe the buyers/receivers will show up today and this mess will be dispersed. Farmer H was complaining about them last week, parking along the main road on both sides. I'm pretty sure some ordinances are being violated.

I wouldn't give a fat rat's rumpus, but the location makes my Gas Station Chicken Store sorties more difficult, with more traffic, and loading equipment and stacks of parcels out front blocking my view to pull out onto the road.


River said...

If that's how Amazon treats their goods then I'm glad I don't buy from them anymore.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have no idea what's in those boxes, but I DO see the Amazon logo on a lot of them. Yesterday there were even MORE! Tall, long boxes, leaned up against the back of the building. Empty wooden pallets stacked out front. And a Port-A-Potty, too!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Sounds like there will soon be a constrution site there. Odd that they are left out in the weather.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nope. No construction. There was a big commotion on Saturday with people picking up those pallets of goods! They are already starting it again this week. AND I think rain is coming...