Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Mrs. HM Has Counted A Chicken That May Not Hatch

For a week now, I've been looking forward to Farmer H going to play bingo on Wednesday night. He didn't go last week, because his "people" were doing something else that night. So he was home with me, which included supper. Still, I knew there was another Wednesday coming.

Now here it is, Tuesday night, and Farmer H gets a phone call during supper. Lots of chatting. THEN he tells me that he MIGHT NOT BE GOING TO BINGO! Because he's driving 30 miles to make a deal with this guy, and trade him some stuff, so he might be too late for bingo!

Well. I feel cheated! I DID quiz him about what to do for supper, and Farmer H finally said he'd get something, even if he didn't make it to bingo, and came home. So there's that.

I was SO looking forward to my brief respite... 


Kathy's Klothesline said...

HeWho just left to get a blood draw and I gave him a list of things to stop and pik up for me, just to prolong his absence! It is so peaceful in my house right now and I can read blogs uninterrupted!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, I can relax and not have to jump up to do something for him, or have him stand beside me telling me to order him something online, thinking that when I do a Google search, I will get the same results he gets on his phone. And yell at me that "It's the one RIGHT THERE!" even though he can't see my screen due to his cataract surgery. Like I'M the stupid one for not having that particular seller pop up on HIPPIE.

River said...

TWO Wednesdays in a row? This is not good. Your entire routine is disrupted. Mine is too, but for different reasons.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I got a reprieve! Farmer H DID go, because his "people" were there to save a seat for him. But now he says he may not go to HOSS's (Farmer H's Oldest Son's Son) football game on Thursday, because it might rain...

Hope that you can get back on your schedule soon enough.