Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Road Committee Has Cut Off Mrs. HM's Limbs To Spite Her T-Hoe

The local Hillmomba geniuses who have declared themselves the new road committee were at it again on Saturday. Between the time I left for town, and the time I came home, they had lopped off a lot of limbs from small trees along the gravel road down by the creek. I understand the need for lopping. The limbs can scratch vehicles when two cars pass by each other and have to get over to the edge.

Here's the problem: nobody picked up the limbs. So they're lying along the edge of the road, actually intruding onto the road, with branches akimbo. Now there's room for about 1.5 cars to pass. You have to get over and be gouged by those limbs if you meet a car. It happened to me and T-Hoe on Monday. I heard the SCREEEEECH of a limb scraping along T-Hoe's passenger side.

I mentioned the lopping to Farmer H on Saturday evening.

"Yeah, that's their thing they were doing this weekend. Trimming those limbs. I was working at my Storage Unit Store, or I would have helped. If I have time, I'll take the tractor down and clear some of them."

Well. Of course Farmer H didn't have time. And it's not like they include him or his ideas in this road crew, like the old crew used to do. So he's not particularly invested in the task.

I really wish they'd left things as they were, if they hadn't planned on finishing the job. At least there was more room before The Lopping.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I agree with you, if you are not going to complete the task, then leave it be until you can!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

They are probably patting themselves on the back for the great job they have (semi)done!

River said...

It should be a rule that lopping includes clearing away.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. To the lopper go the loppings!