Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I'll Be Right Back

Farmer H continues to drive me crazy. He came in Sunday evening, after arriving home at the same time I did. Helped me carry in some groceries. Then acted like he was "helping" me by putting a couple things away. Meaning stacking the "fancy" paper plates on the counter, still in their plastic wrapping. And opening every cabinet with the plain paper plates, as if he was putting them away.

"You've lived here for 25 years, and still don't know where the paper plates go?"

"I don't know where you keep things!"

I pointed out the right cabinet, and went about putting away the other groceries. When I looked into that paper plate cabinet, I saw that Farmer H had stacked the wrapped plates on top of the ones I reach in to use.

"Can you not even take the wrapping off the paper plates? Do I even have to do THAT for myself? You just blocked my use of the plates we already had."

"Well, you don't need them yet."

Seriously. He has a million excuses.

I was going to read him The Pony's texts about maybe working some overtime. Farmer H said he was going to his truck. "I'll be right back."

I waited. Waited. Waited. Then gave up and went back to innernetting. Farmer H was taking FOREVER! Even if he stopped to pee, pet the dogs, and check on their food dishes. He finally came back. Said he was carrying something over for his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). Good thing I wasn't holding my breath! Or maybe that's what he thought I was doing. Another way to try to kill me!

THEN I heard rustling from Farmer H's recliner. Huh. Wonder what THAT could be?

"Hey! Are you eating something in there?"

"Oh. Well. Just a couple fortune cookies from the other night."

"A couple? There were three or four on the cutting block."

"I don't know, HM. I just picked up a handful."

"Then say so! Just say you took the fortune cookies. Don't say a couple."

After Farmer H had gone to bed, when I went to the living room to watch TV, I saw a fortune cookie on the floor in front of Farmer H's recliner! Still in the wrapper! I don't know how he could have missed that. But there it was. I guess maybe he DID only have a couple. Though he had intended to have more.


River said...

All of us out here will never understand him. What chance have we got when you still get puzzled after living with him all these years!
Hey!! "God" works in mysterious ways.
Is he God?

Hillbilly Mom said...

No, I'm pretty sure that's not his secret identity!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I always know exactly what you mean! Why do they lie about the really insignificant things? Makes us wonder what else they lie about!

Hillbilly Mom said...

And they're SO BAD at lying! I don't really see the purpose. They know we'll find out if we want to.