Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Yes, The Universe Is Having Fun At The Pony's Expense

The Pony checked his mailbox Saturday morning, and found THIS:

All The Pony had to say was "Hahaha."

Let the record show that The Pony has never had a desire to be a supervisor. He is more comfortable as a follower, not a leader. He will get the job done, following the rules, in an efficient manner. The Pony has no interest in shouldering the headaches that come with a managerial position.

The Universe MOCKS him!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What's She Supposed To Do, Chase That Car Like A Dog?

When I entered the Gas Station Chicken Store on Friday, Fave was having a discussion with a customer. Apologizing. Saying, "Don't worry about the soda. I didn't charge you for it."

There must have been a kerfuffle over the gas situation. Perhaps Customer got her nose out of joint, and was vocal about her displeasure, and Fave was trying to smooth it over. She's good with people.

"Well, it's just what I have to do. Woman Owner says she's taking twenty dollars out of my next paycheck, to teach me a lesson. So now, unless I know you, I'm not turning on the pumps. I can't afford to get fired, or pay for every drive-off."

I've mentioned before about how the Gas Station Chicken Story has good surveillance cameras, and gets good pictures of the ne'er-do-wells who drive off without paying, as well as their license plate numbers. But the police say it is a waste of time to track them down and file charges, because they usually get off in court, after a long wait, and time taken out of the busy work schedules of the owners who prosecute them.

Anyhoo... the Gas Station Chicken Store has old-fashioned gas pumps. You can't use a card to pay. You just lift the lever under the gas pump handle after you pick it up. That makes a beepy thing go off inside, and the cashier has to flip a switch to activate the specific pump. There might be as many as eight people there at once, two on each pump.

As you might imagine, the cashier is often busy, turning on gas, accepting payments, selling other merchandise to other customers, scanning scratchers, re-stocking the ice in the soda fountains, and cleaning up "accidents" in the bathrooms. If some deadbeat drives off without paying, what is the cashier supposed to do, CHASE AFTER THEM? Actually, the Woman Owner did that once. Maybe it IS what she expects!

Anyhoo... I think this is very wrong to charge Fave for a drive-off. Update your pumps! Get the kind that take a card. Lots of times, people come in asking how to make the pump work, and how to pay.

The policy now is that if the cashier doesn't know the customer as a regular who pays, the customer must walk in, and leave their driver's license until they return to pay for the gas they pump. Since they can't pay a certain amount and have the pump shut off.

I'm sure the cashiers will receive some complaints...

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Mansion Is NOT Pony House, Nor The Amityville Horror

At least not yet... I am growing concerned. A couple days ago, a fly was in the Mansion. I hate them. They're SO annoying, buzzing around. Sitting on the short couch Friday evening, I realized that there were TWO flies. One that had just buzzed my head, and one on the mini blinds of the living room window.

Later in the night, I got up to wrap Farmer H's hot dog lunch for him to take Saturday to his Storage Unit Store. While in the kitchen, I figured I might as well wash the supper dishes. In doing that, I saw one of those flies light on the curved neck of the sink faucet. I reached over for my flyswatter, and WHACKED it! That fly did a somersault over the counter, onto the floor behind it. I went around and scooped him up in a Puffs Plus Lotion, guaranteeing his demise with a good squish.

Then the other fly had the nerve to land on a stale biscuit I had set on the dog treat plate. WHACK! Same result. Somersault, squish.

I must say, I was quite pleased with myself. Mrs. HM 2, flies 0.

Saturday morning, while taking my meds in the kitchen, I saw a fly shoot out from the undercabinet fluorescent lights. Well! Where did HE come from? Got HIM, too! In fact, through the day, I killed four more! WHERE were they coming from???

When I got home Saturday evening, Farmer H was out back by POOLIO, turning the filter on and off. I can only assume that perhaps he has been leaving the basement door ajar as he works out back, and that the flies are getting in there, then finding their way upstairs at different intervals, following the daylight. Can't be ME, right? Me leaving the kitchen door ajar as I feed the dogs their treats! I've only seen ONE fly come in during such an event.

Anyhoo... I killed two more flies on Sunday morning! I'm hoping that's all of them. Again, maybe Farmer H leaves the laundry room door open as he's giving the dogs their morning water, and going out to check on POOLIO from the deck.

Here's the thing. I'm pretty sure it's irony...

One of those last flies had the audacity to perch on the flyswatter! I tried to smack it with my hand, but it jumped off and stupidly perched beside the flyswatter, where I KILLED IT!

Something odd about these flies. They are about 1.5 times the size of a regular housefly. And they're STUPID! All but one of them was killed with the first try! So they're idiots, or blind in all their 3000 to 6000 simple eyes!