Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Pettiness Of The Procrastinating Farmer

Farmer H took T-Hoe to be inspected on June 24th. That's because sometime in June, we got a notice in the mail that T-Hoe's license expires at the end of July. Farmer H went to Mick the Mechanic, because Mick always works him in whenever he shows up asking for something.

Farmer H came home with the inspection slip, saying that T-Hoe passed, but needs work on those stabilizer bushing thingies that has been an ongoing thing for about a year now. Oh, well. Only the best for Mrs. HM! We'll get T-Hoe stabilized when we're good and ready, and not an instant before. Never mind that I've complained about brought Farmer H's attention to the rattle, and explained how the steering feels "mushy." Which may not even be related, and possibly another issue. Since I also mentioned how the brakes grab, but Farmer H said Mick said they were just fine.

Anyhoo... that evening, Farmer H laid down the inspection slip, and the postcard notice.

"I'll need the property tax receipts for the past two years. And a check."

"When do you think you'll go?"

"I don't know. I have until the end of July."

"Well. I'm not tearing out a check right now. It will be out of order."

"That's fine. I'll tell you when I'm going to the license office."

So... I set aside the inspection slip and the postcard notice, and got out the two years of property tax receipts to put with them, and left them on my Puffs Plus Lotion box on the kitchen counter. Right there where I keep important things like The Pony's winning scratchers that he wants me to hold and cash right before a casino trip.

Sunday evening, Farmer H said he was planning to go to the license office on Monday. It's right next to that giant sinkhole that The Pony likes to check on after a rain, to see if it's getting bigger. The one with a piece of fence across the top, and a fence around it, that supposedly goes down into the lead mine.

Anyhoo... I set those T-Hoe license papers on the kitchen table, and put a check on top. 

When Farmer H came home Monday afternoon, he said ACCUSINGLY, 

"You didn't give me no insurance card!"

"You didn't ask for an insurance card!"

"I ALWAYS need an insurance card!"

"You have to tell me what you need. I just had the insurance cards out on Sunday anyway! To give The Pony his new one, and put mine in my purse. In fact, YOURS were laying right beside the license papers! For SilverRedO and A-Cad! Surely that would have reminded you to ask me!"

"The girl called to verify that we have insurance on T-Hoe. So I got the license."

I suppose I am remiss in not reading Farmer H's mind.


River said...

Well at least now you know to get everything ready next years and even things he probably doesn't need, just so he will still have something to complain about. It's 2.49am here and I can't sleep.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry you can't sleep! I just got another complaint this morning about the Lowe's bill and something Farmer H said he didn't need! It never ends.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You need to hone your mind reading skills! I don't think I want to go into HeWho's mind. It frightens me to even think about it!

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's not worth the journey! What if I broke down and got trapped in there???