Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Lowe's Blow From Farmer H

Fresh from complaining that I didn't give him a document he didn't ask for, regarding T-Hoe's license renewal... Farmer H is at it again. He certainly seems to set high expectations for his unpaid office manager!

Tuesday evening, Farmer H said he would be going to Lowe's on Wednesday, to get materials for the Beauty Shop kitchen. 

"Oh, that's good. You can take this bill that we got today, and pay it there, like you did last time."

As a refresher, remember that Farmer H started a new kind of credit card account (which he still has not received) at Lowe's to use for a supposed better discount on flip house materials. It's like a contractor account, that mails itemized purchases, rather than just a total without listing specific materials, like on the regular credit card statement.

This new PRO statement comes without a return envelope. It allows two months before payment is due. You can just pay specific purchases and not the whole thing. It's a headache for Mrs. HM, the unpaid record-keeper.

Farmer H paid the first such PRO bill in person, on July 3, before our casino trip. This most recent PRO "bill" was dated July 2. So it still has the already-paid charges from May, and the latest of the June purchases. 

"Yeah, I can do it while I'm there. Just give me a check, and write down how much."

"The $444 you paid on July 3 is probably showing on the account by now. I'll subtact that off this total, and it will take care of everything on this bill. Do you want the receipt they gave you when you paid on July 3rd?"

"Nah. It should be on their computer. Just give me a check, and that bill."

Wednesday morning, I had it all in an envelope for Farmer H to take.

"Look that over, and make sure you understand what you're doing. I had to check the boxes for the items you want to pay. I left the other ones blank, because you already paid them. There's the account number on top. And a note card with the amount for the check you're writing."

"Oh. You didn't write the check?"

"No. Why would I? You said give you a check, and the amount. You wrote it last time. Will they even take a check from you with a woman's signature on it? They'll know you didn't write it."

"Well, I just thought you'd go ahead and write the check. They'll accept it."

"Okay. Hand me the whole thing."

"I don't see the other receipt in here."

"You said you didn't need it."

"I don't."

"Then why are you asking about it?"

"Well, I thought I'd just take it."

"Okay. When I finish writing this check, I'll go to the kitchen and find it."

"No. That's okay. I shouldn't need it."

See, here's the problem. I can't read Farmer H's mind. Especially when HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE WANTS!


River said...

A dilemma indeed. From now on you are going to have to assume he needs EVERYTHING, including old receipts and pack the whol lot into a large envelope for him. Of course he will complain that you gave him stuff he didn't need, but that's better than finding out he needed what he didn't have.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe I can pack it in that gray Mizzou sweatshirt "purse" he won at bingo! Farmer H would look adorable rifling through that at the license office or Lowe's!!!

River said...

Yes! That's a great idea. I can picture it now with the service attendant looking on :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe Farmer H's picture with his "purse" will appear on somebody's blog!