Thursday, July 18, 2024

Shoving Farmer H Off The Mountain, When We Could Have Navigated The Molehill

When Farmer H mentioned The Pony's hospital visit on Tuesday evening, I dared to venture a suggestion.

"The ER doctor said The Pony might have to go as far as Lexington, Kentucky, to see a worker's comp doctor for his sprained ankle."

"Huh. Maybe you should have taken him over to that urgent care in Bill-Paying Town, where he went when he BROKE his ankle. They have that orthopedist who comes once a week, who takes worker's comp cases. Rather than to the closest ER, here in Hillmomba."

"The Pony paid over there with his own insurance. Because they wouldn't take his worker's comp."

"The Pony didn't have all the paperwork then. They treated him, and he had to take the forms over the next day."

"No. He paid with his insurance."

"No, he did not! It's illegal to use insurance to pay for a worker's comp claim. We kept stressing that."

"I was THERE, HM! I know how he paid!"

"That never happened! The Pony did NOT have to repay his insurance when he finally got his settlement!"

"I WAS THERE! You don't know what you're talking about! The Pony PAID WITH HIS INSURANCE!"

Off in a huff, Farmer H stormed to the master bathroom for a soak in the big triangle tub, rather than utilizing the waters of POOLIO for which we are paying dearly.

I sent a text to The Pony.

"Dad says you paid urgent care in Bill-Paying Town with your insurance, for your broken ankle. I say no."

"I gave them the card. To hold a copy just in case. I didn't pay them, no."

When Farmer H returned from his hissy-fit in the big triangle tub, I informed him of this fact.

"He gave them his insurance card! They said they needed it, in case worker's comp didn't pay."

"So The Pony did NOT pay for it with his insurance. Just like I said."

"He gave them the insurance card!"

"That's not what you said earlier! You said he paid with his insurance. And I said he did not! It's illegal! It's insurance fraud! Obviously, this urgent care takes worker's comp cases and treats them. You never said anything about just giving the card."

"I DID TOO! I was right! The Pony paid with his insurance!"

This is just too much. Farmer H has a screw loose in his noggin. He picks a fight over the littlest things, and changes his argument when facts betray his proclamations!

Oh, and let the record show that The Pony DROVE HIMSELF over to that urgent care after the broken ankle, and also drove himself home! So Farmer H was not there for the initial visit. I took The Pony the next day, by the office for paperwork, and then to the urgent care. So it must have been a follow-up appointment with the orthopedist when Farmer H actually accompanied The Pony back to urgent care.


River said...

I am dumbfounded, struck dumb, don't know what to say to this. Possibly my mind is just frozen in spite of the heater running, I can't turn it up with the cost of our electricity being so sky-high. Think I'll put my outdoor jacket on.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Put on a hat! Like a sock cap. A beanie. Whatever you might call it. A stretchy knit cap. It will hold in your body heat. I used to do that when I rented a townhouse, and kept the thermostat low for costs. And also I wore one in my dark basement lair. A hat helps. And layers, rather than a bulky coat.