Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Don't You Hate It When...

...after your shower, you find an unexplained drop of blood on the tile floor of the master bathroom? Seriously! Am I dying? What's the deal?

It was quite unexpected. I only noticed that spot when I was sitting on the throne, post-shower, putting lotion on my legs, and then stepping into my socks. This spot was about the size of a nickel, and near my left foot. That's odd. There's nothing wrong with my left foot. I didn't have a nosebleed. I didn't shave my legs. What in the NOT-HEAVEN??? 

I suppose maybe it came when I stepped out of the shower. My right heel has been hurting, like maybe it's cracked. I can't see the bottom of my heel. It's on the outer right side of my right heel, but on the bottom of my foot. Since I'm in black socks most of the time, I don't notice anything amiss. Just the pain sometimes, like there's a crack. I suppose I will have to get Farmer H to take a gander. I don't think I've stepped on anything recently. My left foot had no pain at all, so I doubt that's where it came from. 

Anyhoo... I wiped it up, and looked for any other such spots. Nothing. So strange. Hope I haven't stepped on some odd piece of metal shaving that Farmer H carried home on his pants...


River said...

I use a single blade disposable shaver after I shower while the skin is still soft to shave some of the callous from my heels and the outside edge of my big toes and one time I shaved a bit too much and left a trail of blood across the floor when I went to the basin to rinse the blade. Had to wrap the toe in large size bandaids. I've never had cracked heels, though I've seen plenty in summer when women walk around in thongs (flipflops) and sandals. It looks painful.

Hillbilly Mom said...

EEEK! My mom used to do that with a plain old razor blade! I don't recall her ever getting a cut, though.

I can't see the bottom of my heel, because no way am I bending my knee and putting my foot across the other knee. But I CAN feel the bottom of it. Felt like a flap of skin. Not like an opened blister, but like a corner! Like I had torn the skin on something. Not just a split crack. It wasn't bleeding that day, so I slathered some lotion on the area before putting on my sock. It's still a bit painful. I guess I'll try lotion for a while, to soften that damaged flap of skin. Can't see it to cut it off.