Monday, July 29, 2024

Scarlett Is Off Her Rocker Again

Just when you assume, after a mere year of living with us, and not in a crate 12 hours a day in an apartment, that Scarlett has grown accustomed to life at the Hillbilly Mansion... she reverts to her old self.

Sunday, I went out for my town trip. Scarlett leaped and cavorted behind me, as usual, waiting to be tossed a scrap of stale bread. But THEN, as I was climbing into T-Hoe, Scarlett came through the door of the garage! She never does that! She knows that when I leave, I'm not going to pet her in the garage.

At least she didn't keep running in after I backed out, causing the garage door to stop closing, requiring me to make multiple tries to close it.

Scarlett and Jack stood in the driveway as I started T-Hoe off the carport. Usually, Scarlett stays on the porch, and Jack lies in a hole he's dug in the gravel under where SilverRedO usually parks. I knew what was in store...

Halfway up the driveway, I saw Scarlett start to run along behind me. My loyal little Jack headed her off. Got her into the front yard/field. He ran back and forth, blocking her progress from coming after me. 

Well. Scarlett herself must be no stranger to herding, thanks to her DNA. She finally evaded Jack, and sped after me. Not her usual hopping/leaping gait, but stretched out, for speed. Sensible little Jack stood in the front yard/field, watching. 

As I went down the hill in front of our neighbor's house, I could see Scarlett still chasing.

When I came home, I did not see Scarlett. Little Jack and Copper Jack barked their fool heads off, running around on the carport as I piloted T-Hoe into the garage. 

Thank the Gummi Mary, Scarlett appeared on the side porch. I suppose she had been lying on the back deck, hoping the object of her ADORATION would make an appearance. Because Farmer H was home, SilverRedO parked in his normal place.

That Scarlett is an enigma.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Scarlett must have had a flashback dream! When Bo and Eddie escaped their yard last week, Toni didn't even try to follow. She is getting too old for chasing after those young and crazy dogs!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think Scarlett might have been spooked by the thunderstorm we had earlier. Lots of thunder. She might have been nervous and clingy, having spent the first year of her life in an apartment where thunder is not so scary.

River said...

Possibly YOU have become her new object of adoration. You are the one who doles out the treats and talks to her, even if it is just "get back" and "sit" or whatever.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nah. Scarlett still ADORES Farmer H. She will sit and watch him, rather than come to me. Like Monday evening, sitting on the back porch, watching Farmer H in POOLIO, rather than come to the garage to greet me like little Jack. She DID come over to see me on the side porch, with a treat imminent. Then went back to observing Farmer H. I'm shocked that she wasn't down on the pool deck, since he had left the gate open.