Friday, July 26, 2024

The Increasingly Elderly Mrs. HM

I must be looking more frail and pitiful than usual lately. More and more people are holding open doors for me! The old men have always been nice about it. In the past few weeks, a couple of 20-something guys have done it. A little girl around 7. And a few days ago, it was a young teen boy!!!

It was at Orb K. I had parked in my favorite space by the striped handicap walkway, though not in the single handicap space. This one is more convenient for me. As I climbed out of T-Hoe, I saw these two teen boys cutting up as young boys do, and running across the County Lettered Highway to get from the Save A Lot/Subway mini mall to Orb K. 

With my many years of teaching experience, I judged these young'uns to be around 14 years old. Like that summer between 8th grade and 9th grade. Just starting to grow up and fill out. One was lanky with short brown hair, and the other stocky with curly red hair.

By the time I got to the front door, Red had just arrived. He looked back over his shoulder for Brownie, who was laughing and weaving through the parked cars. Red glanced at me, then stepped over and HELD THE RIGHT SIDE DOOR OPEN FOR ME! 

Wasn't that sweet? I looked him in the eye and thanked him. He looked embarrassedly proud. 

THEN TWO 20-something gals came barreling out before I could step in!

I had seen them approaching through the left glass door, each with a fountain soda in hand. I know they could see me through that door, and how Red was holding our side open. Of course they assumed it was for THEM! And instead of coming out the left door, they jumped over to exit through the door Red was holding for Mrs. HM! No "Excuse me" or NOTHIN' from them as they almost knocked me over. No thanks, nor even an acknowledgement, for Red, either.

Heh, heh. I suppose I need to work on looking WEAKER for this demographic...


River said...

How rude of those girls to use the wrong exit! The boys get a gold star though, that's pretty rare these days to have young people hold doors open for us older people.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe there IS hope for society! Maybe this new generation actually cares about somebody besides themselves!