Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Like The Proverbial Leopard, Farmer H Cannot Change His Spots

As I was leaving 10Box on Tuesday evening, I called Farmer H. You know, to inform him that I was on the way home with groceries to be carried in. I knew he should be home, because of an incident concerning The Pony. And a tip from The Pony that Farmer H was leaving his house as I was headed to town.

Well. There was no answer. After a short detour to mail the electric bills for the two halves of the Double Hovel flip house(s), I tried to call again. With no answer.

That's the thanks I get for warning Farmer H to take the long way home, due to the creek being over the bridge from Tuesday's heavy rains.

Anyhoo... as I steered T-Hoe down the driveway, I could see Farmer H on his precious John Deere zero-turn mower. I'm sure he could see me, too.

I stopped before getting onto the concrete carport leading to the garage. I waited. Farmer H came through the front yard/field on his mowing section. I motioned for him to come over. But no. Farmer H turned zero-ly, and headed back up the front yard/field for another round.

I opened the garage door, and waited. Only the nose of T-Hoe starting in. Waited, there on the concrete carport, for Farmer H to come back down the front yard/field. As he did, I HONKED. And I motioned for him to come over. Nope! Farmer H turned his John Deere mower again, and headed back for another round.


Was I invisible, like when those patrons of the Gas Station Chicken Store step in front of me at the register?

I pulled into the garage, and loaded the groceries (6 BAGS) on my arm. Then my purse and water bottle. As I hobbled up the porch steps, I saw Farmer H coming towards the Mansion, mowing his strip of yard/field. He did not come to my assistance, but turned zero-ly once again.

By the time Farmer H entered the Mansion, I congratulated him.

"Thank goodness you got here after I carried in and put away the groceries!"

"I didn't know."

"I called you twice from town. Good thing my not-maintained car didn't break down! Or I didn't get caught in the high water of the creek! How could you not see me in the driveway? Motioning to you. At the end, and waiting by the garage?"

"I didn't see you, HM."

"I called AND when I got home, I HONKED!"

"I can't hear on the mower."

Well. How conveeeeeeenient!"


River said...

It seems you need to somehow become agile enough to jump out and wave a huge red flag in front of his face just to get his attention. Perhaps he just doesn't like carrying in groceries. Does he think it is only women's work and anything else he might be doing is more important?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H seems willing enough to help with the groceries when I call ahead. You know, if he doesn't FALL ASLEEP for the instant I come down the driveway. He doesn't complain, and tells me "I'll get it" when I say I'm going to carry bags to the side porch for him to take into the kitchen, so he doesn't have to go up and down the steps.

I guess he needs to be more observant while he's mowing. It's not rocket science. Just following a mowed edge of grass. He's even ridden over from the BARn field before, when he saw the dogs take off running to greet me. So I don't think the interruption is a problem.