Monday, July 8, 2024

Pony People Problems

The Pony reported that he found a cat on his back porch a few days ago.

"I opened the back door, and saw this cat sitting there. I pointed my finger at it, and said, "Cat!" and it took off running for home. It belongs to my neighbor, but it comes down here sometimes."

"I hope you pay attention to when the food you order arrives. Or else that cat is going to get it. Or squirrels."

"I have my food delivered to the front porch. I can hear the delivery cars pull up, and the footsteps of the people delivering. So I get it right away. I'd still rather do that than have to interact with people by answering the door."

I totally understand. I, myself, am not a people person. However, I don't think I could make a cat disappear by simply pointing my finger at it, and saying, "Cat!"


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I must try that method with the parade of feral cats finding their way to my deck! Doesn't help that HeWho has proclaimed no more pets is putting food out for them. I enjoy solitude, myself. If I want company, I will invite it!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I hope this magical cat-disappearing tactic works for you! The Pony said he saw "our new cat" over by the BARn on Sunday afternoon. I still have only seen it passing by under the kitchen window. I guess it comes up on the porch to eat leftover dog food when the dogs are out making their rounds mid-morning.

River said...

I'm not a people person either but will meet delivery people at the door if I am home. Mostly because I don't trust many of my neighbors. When the twins see their cat they say "cat meow", they know most of the animal sounds.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I only go to the door to keep the FedEx driver from leaving without delivering, because the dogs bark at him. Scarlett and Little Jack will come to the door, but Copper Jack stands in the yard and barks. He's the scariest of the three, but he doesn't listen to me at all.

Heh, heh! I think The Pony knows that a cat meows, too! And he's only 316 months old!!!