Sunday, July 21, 2024

He's My Cherry Eye, Short Drink Of Water, Makin' HM Cry

Sorry. That song was on my mind. Warrant performed last week at our favorite casino. No, we did not go!

As you know, my Little Jack was missing for two days. I love that little dog so much! He helped me get over the loss of The Pony to college. We had many a tearful afternoon talk that autumn on the front porch pew. Me sitting, Jack crawling around the back of my neck, under my hair. Not as cute as it was when he was a little (half) weenie dog pup, but a comforting routine. Jack would still try it if I picked him up.

I did not originally want Jack. Can you believe it? We already had my Sweet, Sweet Juno. And poor dumb Ann, the black german shepherd stray that found us as a pup before we took in puppy Juno from my mom's roadside.

HOS (Farmer H's Oldest Son) said his wife's sister had a litter of pups, and could we take one. Of course Farmer H said we would! No idea why, since he was so against Genius and The Pony getting Mailbox Row kittens a few years before.

Anyhoo... Farmer H said these pups were from a dachshund mom and red heeler dad. He showed me a picture on his phone. I was not impressed. It's not polite to call a puppy ugly, but this litter was NOT attractive.

"Why'd you say we'll take one?" I remember this whole incident, me sitting in my dark basement lair, and Farmer H standing in the doorway after showing me the pics.

"We have room. We already have the two dogs. One more is not a big deal."

"Let me think about it."

The next day, I agree. But only if they would save me the pup with the longest legs and the shortest back. Farmer H was gone to Sweden for work when HOS delivered my pup. For being ugly, he sure was a cute little thing. Definitely dachshund by shape, and mostly red heeler by coloring. Ears neither floppy like a dachshund, nor pointy like a heeler. In between. A little flip, like a Jack Russell.

Here he is on the front porch with The Pony's leg, on May 20th, 2016.

Don't tell Farmer H, but that first night we got Jack, The Pony and I kept him in the Mansion! We put Jack in a storage tub, and The Pony took him into his bedroom, to sleep beside his bed, where he could pet Puppy Jack when he was anxious. Farmer H never allows pets in the house! He still doesn't know!

Anyhoo... Jack has been such a ray of sunshine for me, loving me unconditionally, filling a gap in my heart that was devastatingly empty of The Pony. I love that little guy. I am so relieved that he returned home from his 2-day sojourn to parts unknown.

Sadly, I noted on Friday evening that Jack had something going on with his left eye. It was the same as the something that has been plaguing his right eye for many years. I assumed it had something to do with his doggy third eyelid. On The Incredible Dr. Pol, I learned that it is commonly called "Cherry Eye." I looked it up on my estranged BFF Google, and learned quite a bit.

I had mentioned to Farmer H that Jack now had the same issue with his other eye, and that we might need to take him to the vet. Well. After research of the innernets, I don't think so.

Apparently, Cherry Eye does not cause any pain for the dog. It's mostly a cosmetic issue. A vet will treat it with surgery, under anesthesia, at a cost between $300 and $2500. They suture the third eyelid so it's out of the way. BUT... there's a 58 percent chance the malady will return! AND, during recovery, the dog must wear the cone of shame until healed. That's not something feasible for our Jack. We can't keep him put up, wearing a cone, when he's used to running free. He's not a show dog. As long as he's not in pain, I'm fine with Jack having his third eyelids showing. Supposedly, they should not be removed, because even "prolapsed," they still provide 70 percent of the tears needed to keep the eye comfortable.

Jack will be Jack. I'm not putting him through surgery that has over a 50 percent chance of not solving the problem. I really love that little guy.


River said...

I think you have a mistake in here, you said The Pony has something wrong with his eye and I think you mean Jack.
Puppy Jack is SO CUTE!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks for the proofreading! Fixed it! I had The Pony on my mind from the previous paragraph. And also because The Pony is always on my mind, with some catastrophe or another.

Puppy Jack was indeed a little cutie, once he was out of that closed-eyes awkward stage before he came to live here. Of course I think he was the pick of the litter!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Anesthesia is quite unappealing after losing little Birdie! I mourn her loss as much as my daughter does. Puppies are all cute, you remember Wall-E. He was so homely, but we loved him in spite of his looks. I agree with you about the procedure being mostly cosmetic and therefore not necessary for his quality of life,

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks for the support. I hate to think that I'd put a price on little Jack's life. I was relieved to see that this issue does not cause pain, and that leaving the membrane intact actually helps the eye. So Jack is not going to be subjected to any surgery that is less than 50 percent effective. I know how much he would hate being penned up with a cone on his head! Jack is a dog's dog. He expects to run free.