Sunday, July 7, 2024

What A Difference Three Years Makes

On the way home from the casino on Wednesday, I proudly informed The Pony that I had added a new radio station to my Sirius/XM playlist. I'm not one for change, you know. I'm happy listening to Classic Rock, and Prime Country.

"It's called The Coffeehouse! I added it, because I heard them advertising it, and it said it had artists like Ed Sheeran. I like Ed. So I figured I'd like this station."

"That's what I listen to!!!"

"Oh. Well. I've had it about three days now, and they've never played Ed Sheeran. I can't listen to it for long. It's so EMO! All the songs sound the same. Slow. About a problem, but things will be okay. This station makes me want to rush home and stick my head in the oven!"

Heh, heh. I suppose it's a fitting station for The Pony to listen to while delivering the mail. He is on the cusp of being Generation Z. 

"Not saying this specifically applies to YOU, but it's just like your generation, afraid of their own shadow, always depressed, the world is so hard to live in..."

"Hmm... I wonder who RAISED US???"

Just like Generation Z. Always assigning blame to someone else. About the only thing they have in common with Genius's people, tail-end of the Millennials. They are not afraid of their own shadow. They are entitled, and complain loudly when they don't get their way.

I refuse to take responsibility!!! After all, I raised both Genius and The Pony. So how could they turn out so differently, being only three years apart? 

It's the schools, I tell you! And the media, and the innernets! I did my best at school, but had to teach the curriculum assigned by the government. Glad I'm out now!!!


Pudge450 said...

My grandson, set to graduate from college in December, was raised with our values and beliefs…both political and moral. Welllll, guess who has fallen into the current BS beliefs politically. I saw a repost he made on social media about the unfairness of college tuition and having to repay college loans.

I almost dropped my not-false teeth. Because…..I have paid EVERY PENNY of his tuition, rent, utilities, food, spending money and every other money-requiring thing since he started at this liberal arts college. I did hold his feet to the fire about getting a part time job - because I think people should work. He mostly uses that money to support his social life and girlfriend expenses. He is also very verbal about numerous other current issues and events I don’t agree with.

My heart is broken. But there still remains the inheritance, which won’t be left to someone with beliefs 180° out from mine. He deserves his own beliefs and I get to decide who benefits from my substantial (not inherited) estate. Hopefully he will see the light before that time.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I totally understand! It's like they go off to college, and lose their senses! The Pony even told Farmer H one time, shortly after moving out, a year into his post office job... that he believes people shouldn't have to work, and that the government should give everybody a base wage every month!!! What in the NOT-HEAVEN??? Who's going to work? To provide vital services? NOBODY! I guess society would just lie around until their internet quit working, then slowly starve to death!

River said...

I agree, it's the colleges, don't know about everywhere, but I've read about some of the stuff that goes on in US colleges, which are supposed to be places of learning, but too many are learning the wrong things instead of the regular curriculum I think. Then of course there's the internet.....
None of mine went to college, three didn't even finish high school, but got jobs instead as soon as they were old enough.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, the colleges seem to promote certain agendas, rather than instilling a hunger to seek out knowledge from a variety of sources, and make decisions accordingly.

Farmer H never went to college. He took the vocational track the last two years of high school, to learn trades. His was mainly automotive. But he ended up with a job making twice my teaching salary. Any job is a good job, as long as you are willing to work for a living. Book-learnin' will get you nowhere unless you have a desire to work.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I did not send any of mine to college, either. Told them I would HELP them, but not foot the bill. They could live at home and take advantage of us providing them with food and housing, not to mention keeping their clothes clean, but to get a part-time job, save their money and pay their own tuition. I feel very strongly that they tend to appreciate what they have to earn. Technical school, I would pay for and my son took advantage of that. His twin has told me that I am a horrible mother and her husband had all of the money put away for their daughter. She has graduated and they still pay for her living expenses because they feel this proves their love for her. She works, at what I am not sure, since that daughter no longer communicates with us, the terrible parents. Oddly enough, her son, from a different union has been on his own since highschool. My baby girl lacked one credit to graduate, but the highschool let her participate in all the ceremonies (this is so wrong) and she finally got her GED when she became a single mother of the best grandson in the world. He has to pay rent to live in her house. He uses her car to go to work and just had to buy new tires for it. He is responsible for all the maintenance on that vehile because he uses it. Manic? Maybe. Just be happy this is not all in one sentence!!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H's older boys had no desire to go to college. They barely had the desire to finish high school. The Veteran joined the Army National Guard as soon as he got out, and HOS (Farmer H's Oldest Son) went to work at a local produce company.

Our other two boys had scholarships that paid for half their expenses, so that was a relief.

I wouldn't mind helping any of them if they are working a full time job. I don't believe in giving handouts to enable a lifestyle they can't afford. We went without until we could afford certain luxuries. Kids these days need to learn that lesson.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

A scholarship is something they earned. They deserved it from their own hard work. I helped my kids when they needed it, I just fisgure that if they wanted to further their education, they would put the effort in to find a way.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would have helped the older boys with a technical school if they had shown interest. You can make good money in the trades.