Sunday, August 4, 2024

Farmer H Wants A Trophy

Sweet Gummi Mary! Farmer H still has the knack. The knack for avoiding carrying in groceries when Mrs. HM arrives home with them!

Saturday, Farmer H came home early from his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). He was in the Mansion by 4:00. I was just leaving for town. He was planning to get in POOLIO. Fine with me! At least get some use out of POOLIO for the money spent on cleansing!

"Okay. I'm going to the store to get some things for The Pony. I know I'll be carrying them in myself, since you'll be in the pool."

Not a big deal. I was prepared. It was not a lot of groceries, and some could remain in T-Hoe's rear until I delivered them to The Pony on Sunday. However, on my way home 90 minutes later, I got a text from Farmer H:

"Im in chair ill carry in when you get home"

Well. That was good news. I was driving at the time, on our county blacktop road. I tried to call Farmer H, to tell him my location. Three times. But the phone, while showing that I was on a call with Farmer H, did not make any noise. No ringing sounds. No offer to leave a voice mail. Huh. I guess if Farmer H had his phone in his holster while sitting in his recliner, the reception was not good. 

I sent a text as soon as I turned onto our gravel road. Pulled over by the creek, and said "I'm at the mailboxes." Then I went on home.

The dogs came out barking their fool heads off. I parked T-Hoe in the garage. No sign of Farmer H. So I resigned myself to carrying in my own groceries. I should have known. 

I was on the top step of the porch when Farmer H came out. I had all the bags draped over my arm. Too late. I was already there. 

Of course Farmer H had an excuse.

"I didn't see you come up the driveway. I was watching."

"Yet you didn't see me. Never mind. I've got it. I just wish you hadn't gotten my hopes up. I sent you a text."

"Huh. Yeah. It just came in."

"And you didn't see me. And you didn't hear the dogs."

"I was watching for you! I don't know how I missed you!"

"Funny now that keeps happening."

Farmer H just followed me along the porch, proclaiming that he had been WATCHING FOR ME! Like that did me any good. Once inside, he went to sit in his recliner again. So I put everything away. Seriously. He kept yapping about how HE HAD BEEN WATCHING FOR ME! Like he wanted a trophy for the very thought of helping.

Then I went about preparing his supper while he was yelling at me about how great he was, for WATCHING FOR ME so he could help carry in groceries.


River said...

I might have lost my temper and told him "I heard you the first time, no need to go on about it". but why stir a hornet's nest unnecessarily.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, it's like poking a mean old snake with a stick! All that yelling to show me how great he was for WATHCHING FOR ME, even though he did nothing to help me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

River 2,
And now I'm typing and spelling like him! Of course I meant WATCHING...