Friday, August 9, 2024

Is Farmer H The Rumpushole?

Wednesday evening, Farmer H got a text from Old Crony herself, asking him to come play bingo. He declined.

"I don't want to go play bingo with them. It's not fun anymore."

"Well, she's asking you herself this time. So that's kind of like her apologizing for whatever is wrong with the two of you lately."

"She was telling everybody at the Senior Center that they should volunteer to work at the election. Told them they'll get paid, and that they feed you lunch!"

"You said that you got paid $15 an hour. So that's true."

"Yeah, but they don't feed you! We had to bring stuff to eat. She acts like she knows what's going on, buy I WAS THERE!"

"She's just encouraging people to get involved. She's telling them what she thinks is true."

"But it's not!"

"Here's the problem. You are both know-it-alls. You tell people stuff you THINK is right, even if it might not be exact. That's why you clash. You both think you're experts at everything."

"I'm not a know-it-all!"

"I have known you for 35 years. You are definitely a know-it-all! Even if you don't realize it, or refuse to admit it."

"Yeah, sure."

"You will be wishing you could go to bingo, when it's the middle of winter, and you don't have a flip house to work on, and it gets dark at 5:00, and you've been sitting around the house all day."

"I can find things to do."

"You need to quit holding a grudge against her for whatever you think she's done, and just get over it, and have a good time with that group like you did before. I'm starting to think that YOU'RE the rumpushole. She is clearly reaching out to you, and all you do is complain about her to me."


Seriously. I don't see Farmer H reaching out to Old Crony. He needs to get over his "superior knowledge" attitude, and accept that proffered olive branch.


River said...

I'm on your side with this one, he should go and if this time doesn't work out, then he can choose to stay away.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, I think Farmer H should give her a chance. SHE is the one trying to make amends, no matter how small her effort. It's more than Farmer H is doing.