Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Bad People Of Sis-Town Get Under Mrs. HM's Skin, And Are Stuck In Her Craw

I am starting to think there are no ruder people on the face of the earth than those rumpusholes over in Sis-Town. And that's a-goin' some, as my grandpa used to say. Because headlines in the local paper yesterday alleged that three residents of Hillmomba were guilty of murder, and another one was a child molester!

Still, those dregs of society did not affect Mrs. HM personally, while the Sis-Town rumpusholes did. Wouldn't that be a good name for a sports team? The Sis-Town Rumpusholes! 

Anyhoo... the preferred hangout of the Sis-Town Rumpusholes appears to be the Save A Lot. There are two handicap spaces there, at the corner of the building. Both were empty, so I parked at the one on the end. I observed a truck parked at the front of the building, where I would walk past on my way to the door. There's a little area there before you come to the "porch roof" that covers a soda machine, a child's riding carousel, and the cart area.

I've seen vehicles parked here every time I stop at this store. It's not even a parking spot. No lines. Not a handicap space. So I don't park there, even though it's closer. This truck had the driver's window down. I had to go on that side of it, because it was too close to the wall and soda machine for me to comfortably walk.

Whew! That truck smelled fishy! Indeed, there was a decal on the back window of the cab, "I'd Rather Be Fishing." Looking in, I saw two fishing poles propped through the console area. So whoever was driving that truck did not seem to have any disability that would prevent them from walking from the truck to a body of water to fish. Huh. Wonder why they NEEDED to park so much closer to the door?

When I came out, a lady had just parked a big black truck across the drive behind T-Hoe. That, too, is not a parking space! It's on the edge of the driving area, next to a grassy incline up to the road. The lady called to a little girl about 5, and they made their way past me toward the store. Let the record show that there were plenty of parking spaces along the side of the building past the two handicap spaces. And a whole lot full of parking spaces directly across the drive that passes in front of the store.

The problem with the black truck is that it meant I would be hindered in backing up T-Hoe. I could only turn one way without risking hitting it. So that lady took up driving space by parking there. And, only one-way traffic could flow through while we were both parked like that. Me, legally.

But wait! As I scoped out the rear angle to back up, ANOTHER car came and parked in the space that's not a parking space, by the front wall and soda machine! This one even had personalized plates. And no handicap placard. So nothing wrong that necessitated a closer spot.

I suppose they think that since it's not a marked parking space, they can't get a parking ticket, and that nobody will have guts enough to confront them about it.

I think they're right with that assumption... This isn't Hillmomba, you know, where murderers run rampant.


River said...

It boggles the mind why someone would park directly behind you like that, you'd think she would realise you couldn't safely back out.

Hillbilly Mom said...

People these days seem to only think of themselves. Like when they run through a red light because the don't want to wait, not considering that they might hit a car that actually has the right-of-way moving through the intersection on a green light.