Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Pony Steps

Monday was not a good day for The Pony. As you might expect, with two days of mail built up for delivery. AND it rained in the early afternoon. At least temps were in the mid-70s, so there wasn't a heat stroke on the horizon.

The Pony sent me a text and a screenshot.

"So many steps."

That was about two hours of overtime for The Pony. It's not that he covered any more distance than usual, I would imagine. Only that rain slows him down, along with the extra mail.

You can see why The Pony must strap on a hefty feedbag to maintain his energy.


River said...

I remember strapping on hefty feed bags when I worked in factories and still stayed at 53-55kg. Unfortunately I still strap on hefty feedbags though the only part of me that works hard is both of my typing fingers.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Gotta keep up your strength for those two typing fingers!