Thursday, August 29, 2024

The MisInformer Is 1 For 2

Farmer H was sitting on the deck of POOLIO as I left for town on Tuesday. I hollered to ask if the POLE MEN were still blocking the road. Being Farmer H, he hollered back three times: "WHAT?" Then he came up the steps to hear my question.

"No. Well. They're still putting in a pole. But they're in somebody's cow field. Their truck is off the road."

I took a chance, and indeed, there were no POLE MEN blocking the road. Nor were they in a cow field. I suppose Farmer H had come through an hour or so earlier. At least his information was correct about no road blockages.

When I came home, I saw a new addition to the Dog Track field. It was a Port-A-Potty! Well, crap! That means they are serious about this venture. Port-A-Potties ain't free! I think you pay by the month. I asked Farmer H about it.

"So I guess Neighbors are really going ahead with that Dog Track. They've got a Port-A-Potty there now!"

"Oh? I didn't see one when I came in. But it ain't Neighbors! It's Barn Neighbor! Next to them! And it ain't a Dog Track! It's for HORSES!"

"WHAT? You told me all along that it was Neighbors' Dog Track!"

"That's what I thought. But it's Barn Neighbor's brother doing it, for horses!"

"That would explain why those things look like horse jumps. But they're awfully small. Must be for little horses!"

"I don't know. But it's something for horses."

"That will still mess with the dogs. I'm not going to tie them up. You know they'll be over there barking. At least from the BARn field, if they don't go all the way over."

"We could put 'em in the old chicken pen."

"I'm pretty sure Jack will dig his way under the fence. It wouldn't take much. He's a digger, and he's low to the ground. Won't need a big hole."

"It could hold them for a while. We'll see what happens."

Huh. I'm not sure what's going on here. Both neighbors have gotten rid of their horses. Years ago. Not sure what's in it for this guy's brother to put tiny horse jumps in the field, and hire a Port-A-Potty. 


River said...

It could still be for dog training, or maybe small ponies for kids to learn show jumping.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am dying to see what kind of "crowd" shows up to use this course.