Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Not Today, Says Pony Inspector

The Pony has been providing me with plenty of material lately. Some good, some unfortunate, and some that reveals my unsmartness. Friday, The Pony proved his 

"Oh, yeah. I prevented some attempted fraud today. See the problem?"

"A one-cent stamp?"

"Yeah. Those aren't Forever Stamps. So, like..."

"Stealing the food right out of your mouth!!!"

"First off, they'd be sent as third class junk since those kinds of stamps aren't really intended for, like, residents. Second, yeah 72 times less postage than it should have."


"I feel bad though because they came from a nice house. As in, the people that I got a check to before the holiday way back! Remember that? They found me, and I got it to them before the bank closed, and they insisted on giving me something. It's just, like, those won't get there with that stamp! Ughhh."

Poor Pony. Actually caring about his "customers." Life is full of tough decisions.


River said...

Perhaps the sender thought nobody checks so they would just give it a try since they were the only stamps in the house? I'm not sure, but suspect here in Australia they would be sent back to the sender marked "insufficient postage" which seems a bit silly, if they go to the trouble of sending it back, then why not just send it where it's going? Your postage is cheaper than ours. Being a pensioner I can by concession stamps at 60 cents each, but regular people pay $1.60 per stamp.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They might have assumed that since machines sort the mail, it would go through with a stamp on it. I suppose it would have been fine with 73 of these stamps on each envelope!

If this had been an actual Forever Stamp, it would be fine, no matter what price the sender had paid for the stamps back when he bought them. But Forever Stamps don't have a monetary value showing on them, for that very reason.

By sending the letters where they were going, it would be encouraging the sender to do this every time. No penalty!

Postage has increased twice this year. At least I understand that's how they generate revenue, and that's how The Pony gets paid.