Saturday, August 10, 2024

Is Mrs. HM The Rumpushole?

Of course not! Says Mrs. HM herself. You be the judge. And maybe the jury. But I will NOT annoint you with executioner privileges.

Thursday evening, we had big salads from Country Mart for our supper. Farmer H gets his salad when he's ready to eat, and I don't have to do anything. Well. I don't HAVE to... 

I made sure he had Bacon Ranch Dressing in FRIG II to put on his salad. I didn't set it out, because I didn't know the exact time he would choose to eat. But I DID ask if he wanted a fresh mini pack of Ritz Crackers to go with it. Farmer H said that he would use the half-pack he had left from last week, which were on the marred coffee table where he eats. I reminded him of the crackers left from his election meat tray, in a baggie on the cutting block. He said he might try some of them to see if they were still good.

I figured Farmer H was all set to get his own supper. Indeed, around 6:15, he came to the kitchen. I sensed him, in my peripheral vision, going about preparing his big salad with the dressing. Sometimes I've set out a fork for him, and a pack of crackers, and a paper towel. But this time, I didn't. He got his own fork, and started to the living room.

He had just sat down when I thought of something.

"Hey, did you get your crackers out of the baggie?"

"Oh. I forgot." 

Farmer H came back to the kitchen and took a handful of crackers. Every now and then, I'd look into the living room, where I could see him sitting on the edge of the long couch, happily feeding on his big salad. 

Then I thought of something else. A terrible dereliction of duty on my part. Farmer H was probably about done by now. It was 6:40. I struggled over whether to bring my lapse to his attention. And decided NAH! After all, he was nearly done. No use to make him yearn for something he could have had...

I forgot to set out the crispy fried onion bag for topping the big salad!

You can be sure that I put those crispy fried onions on top of MY big salad later! That's the best part! Does this make me a rumpushole?

Stop your tsk-tsking! Even Steven made sure Farmer H's treatment at my idle hands was avenged! I was out of my Blue Cheese Dressing. Found another bottle in the pantry that expired in September. OF 2023! I threw that one away. But found a bottle of Ken's Buttermilk Ranch Dressing that only expired in March 2024! So thought I'd give it a try. It smelled okay, and tasted okay. I suppose I just didn't like the flavor. But at least my big salad had crunch...


Rae said...

My alternative to my favorite blue cheese dressing is French dressing or Russian dressing. I am just not a big fan of Ranch dressing, so wouldn't know good from bad. I am usually shunned by my husband and friends when I order blue cheese dressing on my salads. I remember when I worked as a waitress, not quite of legal age yet, and a gentleman requested blue cheese dressing and asked me to include a lot of the big chunks. I had turned up my nose until I decided to try a salad with the blue cheese dressing, that very day, and I have been hooked ever since. The French was the only dressing available on our table, growing up, so it is a familiar back up. My mom used to make her own, homemade. I do remember it being a bit on the oily side, but tasty. No fried onions, though, but big crispy parmesan croutons. Yum! (and you are not a rumpushole!) Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks for saying that I'm NOT the rumpushole!

I like the Russian Dressing on a Reuben sandwich, but not on a salad. The Bacon Ranch is pretty good, but I was saving it for Farmer H. We used to get Peppercorn Ranch because The Pony liked it, but I can't find it ANYWHERE now! I like most varieties of Italian Dressing, if my others aren't available. My favorite is Ken's Steakhouse Blue Cheese.

Rae said...

Yes, my husband uses Russian and/or French when he makes us Reuben Sandwiches. I used to not like them either but boy have my tastes changed. I love when he makes Reuben sandwiches. (my job is to drain the sauerkraut so it's not all runny) Yum!

River said...

I don't see a rumpushole. I see a woman accidentally-on-purpose trying to teach her husband to look and decide for himself and if he misses out it's his fault not yours.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have trouble finding a marble rye bread to make Reubens. Even a sturdy rye bread is not often found where I shop. The Senior Center makes good Reubens, but the meat and cheese are not always the kind you might expect.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah! Sometimes I feel like I do everything but chew the food for him!