Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Pony Knows His Father

Farmer H brought home some fresh-grown tomatoes several days ago, from one of his Storage Unit buddies. We had eaten all but one of them, and Friday, he brought home six more garden tomatoes. I was telling The Pony about it on the phone during our morning call on Saturday. The Pony is not a big fan of tomatoes, but we discuss what we're planning to have for our meals.

I learned that The Pony had made a snack run to the store on his way home Friday. 

"Mmm. Snacks. What did you get?"

"Chocolate. Pringles."

"What kind of chocolate?"

"Some Milky Ways, Hersheys..."

"Well. That sounds good. Your dad brought home six tomatoes from somebody's garden."

"Did he PAY for them? Or just take them?"

"Heh, heh! They were actually given to him. He didn't just walk into somebody's garden and pick them."

"Good to know."

Farmer H is not an actual habitual thief. But he does overestimate invitations sometimes, and not recognize boundaries.


River said...

Almost a glut of tomatoes at your place this month.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know! It's a "terrible" problem to have! Just like when my grandma used to drop off boxes of tomatoes from her garden.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Oh, that is funny. I suppose he would have stolen some apples and peaches at my old campground? No, he probably would have asked and I would have given permission.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's the thing. Farmer H will generally ask for permission, and then think it is still in effect 30 years later. Like one time, he had talked to a guy who gave permission to fish in his pond. Then 10 years later, Farmer H took the older boys there, but was questioned about why he was fishing in a private pond.