Friday, March 27, 2020

Smaller, In Comparison, Than Scarlett O'Hara's 17-Inch Waist

Sweet Gummi Mary! If it's not expired mayonnaise, it's a starving chicken!

I treated myself to some chicken tenders this week. Hardee's, because those in the Country Mart deli case were not at all appetizing, and the clerk herself mentioned to the other clerk, "Those are some crispy critters!"

Anyhoo...only the Hardee's drive thru is open. Fine with me. That's all I use anyway. I got home with my chicken, and set out a plate. Paper, sure. But STILL a plate! Mrs. HM is civilized.

It's always a mystery as to whether my bring-home food will be in the acceptable range. You know my luck. Even Steven must have signed a decree that I can only have normal food 50 percent of the time. This was NOT one of those times.

LOOK AT THAT! It's more of a chicken TOUGH than a chicken TENDER! Sure, there's some meat on the right end. And possibly meat in the blob on the left end. But that middle part is NOT meat! It's either sinew coated with batter, or it's just batter.

I do not wish for my chicken to have a wasp waist! I guess this is how they pass it off as a tender. Otherwise, if the parts were separate, they would be nuggets.

I know, I know...take it back and complain. YOU take it back and complain! Drive five miles (10 minutes) there, and 5 miles (10 minutes back). By then, I've worked up an appetite that needs MORE than this tender was worth. And I'm not going to be that person who sits at the window, opening the container and fingering every tender to see if it meets my not-really-high-at-all standards.

As Farmer H says, I just like to complain.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Besides. If you did complain, they'd turn their back and do unspeakable things to your food before closing the lid and handing it to you...

Hillbilly Mom said...

You ain't a-woofin'! It does not behoove one to complain at a food establishment, if one will continue to eat there. Sad but generally true.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Shouldn't it be "beclaw" in this situation?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I suppose it should, but I've spent 22 years raising The Pony...

River said...

You make a good point about having to re-drive both ways, but since it is a short drive, I know several of my family members who would do just that and then go inside the store and have them call the manager. on the other hand, not many of them go for fast food anymore anyway. Myself, I prefer to buy the raw chicken and do mu own crumbing and cooking so I know exactly what I'm getting on my non-paper plate. Call me fussy, I don't mind.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nobody allowed inside the store these days! Drive-thru only. Making my own chicken would take less time than driving back, but I'm way too lazy for that. I wouldn't call you fussy. Just less lazy than I am!