Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Entitlement Simply Oozed Out Of This One

Old People Problems. Mrs. HM sighs heavily, adjusts her shawl, and pounds her cane on the linoleum floor with her liver-spotted, palsied hand. Wait until you hear THIS one!

Sunday, I headed towards the double glass doors of Orb k. They both open out. Have a vertical metal handle to grab and pull. I stayed right, as with proper traffic etiquette, and saw through the left-side door. A dude was about to come out.

I hoped we didn't have that awkward moment when both doors opened dead even, making us squeeze through at the same time. Oh, there's room. It's just odd timing when that happens.

Well. I needn't have worried. Dude hung back. I opened my door and walked in. I gave it a little extra oomph, because I'm slow, and it stayed open a second, didn't slam on my heels.

Dude darted over and went out MY open door! Is that the height of entitlement, or WHAT? A Dude about 23 years old, waiting for an old lady to open up her own door, and then using her effort to exit without expending any of his own.

At least he didn't come out and shove the door shut in front of me.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Oh, he's one of those exceptions, HM. Didn't you realize that? Wasn't there a golden glow about him? You might see him later... He would be the one who will run a red light because he's impatient and in a hurry. He's the one who stands in the middle of the store aisle, blocking everyone, as he contemplates what he wants to buy.

Get with it, HM. I have published a guide (complete with colored photos) with all the Missouri "exceptions." Just send $19.95 (I'm giving you a $5 former educator's discount) and I'll put a copy in the mail for you.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry, Madam. I cannot buy your guide until the second edition comes out. Because you're MISSING a most entitled person who crossed my path on MONDAY, in Steelville. I guess they're like idiots. Every village has one.

River said...

He SHOULD have come out of his door then held it open so you could go in. Or maybe you don't look as old as you feel and he thought you could manage, then as long as your door was open, why not escape that way? Who knows how 23 year olds think these days.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I pretty sure they think only of themselves. So totally unlike ME!